The Big Awakening

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HEY IM BACK U GUYS ... OR GIRLS ARE GOING TO LOVE DIS CHAPTER IF U LOVED DA FIRST NOW TO THE STORY. Im so tired, im going to get something to eat. Ok I will be here waiting.Oh hi hey Terry wait how do you know my name I have my ways ah did Maya tell you,no how about my friend Jimmy,nope ok just tell me I really want to know,you'll find out sooner or later thats if you last (as blake leaves the cafeteria with a maniacal laugh). Im back. Hello, hello, Terry are you ok. No um i k-kind-da gotta g-go,as Terry studdered with fear. LATER THAT DAY, lol thats kinda my catchfrase now back to the story.
Terrys pov
As I was playin call of duty advanced warfare like every kid does on a tuesday I heard a phone ring but then I thought to myself wait we dont have a house phone ohhh I forgot my iphone 6. As I went to get it and thats when I remembered that ms, Higgins caught me texting ihop for a pancake flavored door and she never gave it back. So what could that be wait why is there a bannana on a apple rrrriiiiinnnngggggg that was the weirdest ring ever and not a ring like a wedding ring. Vroop, what was that? Hello this has been put on papaya mode which is fruit phone talk for speaker. Hello, hello Monica. The guy on the phone said. Hello, I think you have the wrong name or is my name monica ahh now im just thinking out loud. I hung up the phone and ran out the door.
Hey guys i know dis is short but wrote this at night and all most fell asleep..... huh oh see well ok byye

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