He had reasons to distrust people, he did not want to see photos of him published in an intimate moment. The media would not be the whip that held him down to a crowd that cruelly cheered and laughed at him.

In the end, logic always win against heart.

"I'm not going to expose Atsumu to that," he muttered. "I don't want my private life to come to light, I don't want him or me to be a media puppet. Even if it hurts... It's better this way."


"You haven't complained for almost three weeks, not even when Shirabu sends you more work at the bar. Are you gonna tell me what happened the day I picked you up?" Osamu asked looking at his brother in front of him. "After that you seemed fine, but I know you're not. You're acting weird, 'Tsumu. I'm your brother, tell me!"

"Uh-uh," was all the reply Atsumu gave before eating a gyoza in one bite.

"I don't know why I told you to come eat with me and Semi if there's no way to get you out of your fucking head, what are you thinking?" Osamu urged him again.

Atsumu didn't reply, just shot him a withering look, and Osamu let out a frustrated growl.

"Leave him alone, if he wants to talk at some point, he will. Don't push him," Semi interjected, putting the chopsticks on his bowl and putting a hand on the shoulder of Atsumu, who was sitting next to him.

"You're too soft on him, Semi," Osamu said crossing his arms.

"And you too harsh," Semi replied. "And don't cross your arms at the table, it's rude," he added before kicking him under the table.

"Hey! That hurt!" Osamu exclaimed, uncrossing his arms and rubbing his shin with a wince.

Atsumu didn't even look amused. His head was still lost, thinking about what Sakusa had told him. He still couldn't believe he hadn't given him an explanation. He was sad and he felt used, thougt... It was partly his fault for agreeing to be Sakusas's submissive. But who would have thought that Atsumu himself, the flirtatious, cocky and conceited boy, was going to end up falling in love with Sakusa Kiyoomi, a famous porn actor who had become his master?

It all seemed crazy, and Atsumu was no longer sure if it had really happened or if it had been a delusion. It was absurd, had all that really happened?

"Fuck..." Atsumu muttered for the first time in weeks.

Osamu and Semi stared at him with wide eyes, stunned to have heard him speak after so long.

"I'm fine now. It's been almost a month. I never knew why he wanted me to keep the secret, although I did anyway..." Atsumu whispered not daring to look up from his plate. "But now... What difference does it make, it doesn't matter anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Semi asked with a frown.

"Do you want to know what happened?" Atsumu muttered. His voice had a sad tone, like a siren's wail. "Very good. This is what happened. I've fallen in love with Sakusa Kiyoomi. And I'm trying to... Keep up with my life now that it's all over."

The confession didn't seem to catch Semi or Osamu off guard, but it did make them uncomfortable. Semi shifted in his seat and took his hand off Atsumu's shoulder; Osamu sighed and ran his hands over his face, rubbing his eyes hard.

"Didn't you want to know? Well, you already know it," Atsumu said, getting up from the table and pulling his cell phone out of his pocket.

"That's no news," said Osamu looking at his brother with a tired expression.

Unhealthy obsession (Haikyuu AU)Where stories live. Discover now