Lily blushed laughing. 

"Oh my God! Marlene Mckinnon? I am your biggest fan!" Lily hugged the girl. "You have no idea how much I love your lyrics" 

"Oh thank you so much" Marlene said blushing. 

James seemed jelaous "Well just for you to know Lily I am a famous soccer player..."

Lily smiled "Well I don't like soccer so..."


The girls laughed at that. Remus knew Lily was flirting with him. It was her twisted way of doing so. 

Remus cleared his throat. He was getting impatient.

"Sorry to interrupt the lovely moment... But can you tell me what's going on with Sirius?"

"Sirius is fine" Marlene said "The media took pretty well his coming out. There are fans who had been so supportive with me. And I know some of Sirius' fans as well. He hadn't lost his popularity. It actually increased"

Remus just nodded "Is he locked in his room?" 

James nodded as well "Yes. But it's not that serious. I've been able to visit him. His mother and step dad just want to make sure he doesn't see you. The rest is practically still the same"

Remus sighed "Shit!! What do they have against me?" 

"Well, Sirius had always accepted his reality" Marlene began "Kind of accepted the burden of being famous. But he just wants to be free now. He realized that when he saw you again. He just wants to be himself" 

Remus was so touched by this words. The Sirius Marlene was describing reminded him to the boy he felt in love all those years ago. Free, rebel and proud of himself. 

And then, they heard a car arriving outside.

James carefully peeked through the window.

"Shit mate! They are here!" 

"Who?" Lily asked concerned. 

"Mr. Riddle's men" James answered "I don't know why are they here now. But this can't be good. They are dangerous people"

"Are they gonna kill me?" Remus asked. But nobody could answer 'cause they heard knocking on the door. 

"Shit! Remus you have to run!" Lily said "Go through the back door..." 

"What about you?" 

"We can distract them" Marlene whispered 

"I know taekwondo" Lily suggested 

James smirked "You do?"

Lily blushed "Well that's more useful than 'soccer'"

"Oh shut up..."

"Will you stop flirting please? I'm nervous" Remus said and they both blushed. 

More knocking on the door. 

"Here..." Marlene said taking out a marker. She wrote something on Remus' arm "This is Sirius address. Go and get him. We will distract those bloody assholes and meet you there. And here. You can use my car..."

Remus was too shocked to even respond. He simply nodded and hugged all of them. And he disappeared. 

Remus rounded his property very carefully not to be seen. He hid behind some bushes "ouch!!" but some braches rubbed his back. From there he could see Lily talking with two very big and sculptured blokes. Shit. 

"I told you a million times he doesn't live here. I don't know anyone with that weird name!" 

Remus carefully crawled to Marlene's car. He saw with the corner of his eye how those bloody assholes tried to force Lily to move from the door. She was screaming and Remus considered to get back. When James hit one of the blokes with a shovel. He was knocked out. And Lily and Marlene fought with the other one. Lily was kicking and hitting hard but he seemed very tough. In the meantime, Remus got in the car. He sighed and hesitated. Should he leave his friends like that? 

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