The Princess of Egypt

Start from the beginning

Maddie: Yes, but it's not much of a view. [laughing] Hyah! Whoo! [the piece lands on the horses, then pulling back]

Man: Hey!

Severus: Secondborn, second place!

Young Maddie: Not for long!

[they both continue racing, then racing up the stairs, then the wood floor begins falling down, then turning left, then breaking the wood, then the paint falls down, then the ladder falls down, then drawing a mustache at the bottom of the nose but above the mouth, then the wood breaks the nose by falling into the wood, then they run like a helter-skelter, then the nose falls closer to Maddie]

Young Maddie: Jump! [she jumps away from the wooden floor, breaking it completely, then they run on top, then they laughing, then they slide down by the men with Sean and Tony, knocking everybody over, then they slide down by sand like a wave of water, then they jump off]

Severus: You don't think we'll get in trouble for this, do you?

Young Maddie: No, not a chance.

Pharaoh Rumple I: [hold a striped gold and blue cane called a crook] Why do the gods torment me with such a reckless, destructive, blasphemous son and daughter?

Severus: Father, hear what I...

Pharaoh Rumple I: Be still! Pharaoh speaks. I seek to build an empire, and your only thought is to amuse yourselves, by tearing it down. Have I taught you nothing?

Sean: You mustn't be so hard on yourself, Your Majesty. You're an excellent teacher.

Tony: It's not your fault your son and daughter learned nothing.

Sean: They learned blasphemy.

Tony: True.

Young Maddie: Father, the fault is mine. I goaded Severus on, and so I am responsible.

Pharaoh Rumple I: Hmm. Responsible. Do you know the meaning of that word, Severus?

Severus: I understand, Father.

Pharaoh: And do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you? The Ancient Traditions. When I pass into the Next World, then you will be The Morning and Evening Star.

Severus: One damage temple does not destroy centuries of tradition.

Pharaoh Rumple I: But one weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty!

[Queen Belle walks to Pharaoh]

Pharaoh Rumple I: [sighing] You have my leave to go.

Severus: Father. [walks away]

Young Maddie: Father? You know it was really my fault. Must you be so hard on him?

Pharaoh Rumple I: Maddie, you will never have to carry a burden like the crown I will pass to Severus. He must not allow himself to be led astray, not even by you, my daughter.

Young Maddie: All he cares about is... is your approval. I know he will live up to your expectations. He only needs the opportunity.

Pharaoh Rumple I: Maybe. Maybe so. Go now. I shall see you both tonight.

Young Maddie: [walks away, then she starts whistling] Well, that went well.

Severus: Just go away.

Young Maddie: Could have been worse.

Severus: "The weak link in the chain." That's what he called me.

Young Maddie: [sighs, then continues sewing] Well, you are rather pathetic.

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