I didn't answer, sinking back into my thoughts until the lecture was over.

"Happy holidays people, don't get too lazy and please read the texts I handed out earlier." Mr. Reid shouted over the swelling noises of the departing students.

I got my back and stacked the books my professor had lend me, to give them back. I had everything I needed and if there was anything, I could ask Niall for his books. Especially since he didn't seem to like me carrying another professors books with me. 

Hannah next to me shouldered her backpack and shook her head.

"I love this man." She mouthed, before laughing and telling me she was going wait in the cafeteria for me. As she left, I was only able to stare at the back of her head, guilt pinching my inside that I couldn't tell her what was bothering me.

Nonetheless, I turned around to go downstairs, seeing the students that asked Dr. Reid their questions. He answered every one of them with patience and a smile on his face, until everything was understood and noted. It was weird that I was going to sleep with his colleague and that he didn't suspect anything about it. A colleague that is only a little bit younger than he was.

Trying not to think about Niall and to ban him from my thoughts actually made me think about him more. It suffocated me.

"Miss, what can I do for you?" I looked back at Dr. Reid, seeing that the last student was about to leave. Rushing towards him, I placed the books on the desk.

"I wanted to give them back, and thank you again me for letting me use them." The man put his laptop away, exhaling and pushing a few curls out of his face.

"Oh, a Christmas present!" His grin was contagious, making me chuckle shortly.

"Not entirely."

"Well, thank you anyway." Spencer Reid got a little tote bag from his leather briefcase, unfolding it and putting his books inside of it.

"So how are you doing with your term paper? Good so far?"

"I'm far from being finished, but it's going good." I answered, looking at him.

"Great, I'm sure it will turn out fine."

All I could do is nod, knowing he was not going to be the one grading it. It would be Niall and it was hard to say if he was going to correct it in a nice way or more harsher.

"If you can tell that my professor, I'd be very grateful." Dr. Reid put on his jacket, laughing about my words.

"You're in Dr. Horan's class right? Then I fear there is nothing for me to do." Now it is my turn to laugh at his funny expression, shrugging my shoulder.

"It was a try. But thank you and uh...happy holidays sir."

"Wait. You can always ask me if you need help, that's what I'm here for." Dr. Reid hurried to say, expression serious. It was nice of him to say that even though I wasn't sure if he said that to everyone. Maybe it was his thing. 

I might have even considered it for a later point in my writing process when I thought about Niall and his reaction the last time I had asked Spencer for help.

"Thank you sir, that's really generous of you." I nodded once more, biding my goodbye to him and climbing the stairs, out of the lecture hall after Dr. Reid wished me the same. 

The door has been left ajar so I could squeeze through it, without pushing the heavy wood. Almost through the gap, I gasped.

I was met with light blue eyes, not far away from mine. It was Niall, bag on his shoulders and watching me with a stoic face. He wasn't happy but he didn't seem angry either. But why did I felt like he had caught me doing something illegal? Something forbidden?

Let Me Adore You (N.H.)Where stories live. Discover now