Chapter Two

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I woke up to Peter holding me as he stayed asleep, I appreciated the sweet moment until I realized what us being in my bed cuddling meant. I immediately jumped out of bed and woke him up. "Peter, Peter, you cannot be here" I started to shake him. He finally came to and realized the same thing "oh shit" he said getting out of my bed, looking for his phone and shoes. "What the hell are you gonna tell Blake? Wait, what am I gonna tell the girls?" This is a massive mistake that we just made and we don't even know what we are. Last night before we fell asleep we talked about what it would mean telling the group. We came to the decision of not telling anyone until we figured out what we were, and that if one of us decided that we weren't feeling it, then we will just have to deal with the awkwardness. Now that this bullshit has happened we might not even get the chance to figure out whatever this is between us. "Ok, I've got an idea, what if I just say I was over at Sam's house, and we stayed up late so I crashed and forgot to text Blake" It wasn't a terrible idea. "Will Blake buy it?" I asked. "We better hope so" he said smiling. "And just tell the girls that I left around 12:30 and you don't know about anything after" he said as he put on his shoes. Before he went to leave, he gave me a little kiss on the cheek "I'll text you" he said smiling. "Ok, bye" I closed the door, and then walked over to my phone to see that violet had texted my eight times and had called me twice last night, but I was asleep.

Violet: Hey

Violet: Are you still with Peter?

Violet: Hello?

Violet : Ok just talked to Blake and he doesn't know where Peter is.

Violet : Ok why aren't you responding to me?

Call from Violet

Violet : Answer your phone bitch

Call from Violet

Violet : Ok I am going to bed now

This morning

Violet : Peter still isn't back at his dorm, do you know anything?

Me : Hey sorry, I must have fallen asleep last night, Idk where Peter is. He left mine around 12:30 ish and I haven't heard from him since.

Violet : Oh he just texted the group and said he stayed at Sam's.

Me: Oh ok.

Peter : Ok we're all clear, Blake's pissed that I didn't text last night but he doesn't suspect anything.

Me: Ok cool!

Peter : Had a good night tho regardless, can we hang out again tonight?

Me: I think the group is meeting up anyways tonight, but maybe we can get food together or something?

Peter : Bet.

This was exciting and terrifying at the same time, how could I lie to my friends like this and how could Peter lie to his best friend. I feel guilty for wanting this, hopefully seeing Peter later will clear some stuff up. 

Against the Group RulesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon