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early november 2019

Morgan: Here dad, a list of people that we think could help us in the battle of galactus.
Tony Stark: Alright. We have Kit, Meowscles, agent peely, jules, fade, and I'm not reading all of this just have them recruited. For Jules though, I know just who to recruit her, oh Logan.
Wolverine: Yes tin can?
Tony Stark: Go take the jet you have someone to pick up.
Wolverine: You got it, but who do I have to pick up?
Tony Stark: That and more my friend will be sent to you in the jet and also, Jarvis, prepare the jet for logan.
J.A.R.V.I.S.: Yes sir. The jet is being prepared as we speak.
Wolverine: But Tony, who am I going after?
Tony Stark: How about you get ready and then Jarvis will brief you on who we're getting and also we need a Strike Team
Wolverine: Sounds reasonable
Tony stark: And Jarvis get one of my helicopter Ready
J.A.R.V.I.S.: Yes sir.

time skip

Wolverine: So she can turn ANYTHING she wants to gold and you want ME to confront her?!
Tony stark: No we want you to recruit her what are you on
Wolverine: And if I accidently say something she doesn't like, I'm done for!!!
Tony stark: Are you forgetting you can't die and if things get that bad will just drop in Clausus
Wolverine: I'm not trying to become a statue. Is that too much to ask?!
Tony stark: We can just put you in a fire or something it might hurt being in the fire but you can't die and you won't be a statue so I think you'll take that
Wolverine: I wouldn't wanna be a statue in the first place!!!
Tony stark: Well don't say something that will offend her. Stop being a little pussy bitch boy your Wolverine.
Wolverine: You're good at talking to people! Why don't you talk to her???
Tony stark: That's because I can die and I'm too rich to become a golden statue. I buy golden statues, not become one And I also will be fighting the guard.
Wolverine: Fine. But if I become a statue, I have the legal right to slap you. Just tell me when we're there.
J.A.R.V.I.S.: We're already here.
Tony stark: I got to go suit up.

FREEZE FRAME!!!! Hi! This is Deadpool! This is a callback to Captain America: Civil War. If you know what I'm talking about, if you don't, just shut up and enjoy the story. And search up the Iron Man suit up helicopter scene while you're at it. By the way, I'm nowhere to be seen. Anyways, enjoy. Byeeee <3

Tony Stark's seat then flipped upside down out of the plane, giving him the opportunity to let his Iron Man suit form around him. Meanwhile, Logan jumped out of the plane and after falling for a bit, he deployed his parachute. While he was trying to properly maneuver his way to the front door, Tony was taking out the guards to clear a path.
After a few minutes, Logan found the front door and knocked.

Wolverine: Hello? Anybody home?

The door was then opened to reveal Jules holding a shotgun to Logan's head. In response, he put his hands up and retracted his claws.

Jules: Why are you here?!
Wolverine: Look. Put the gun down and we can talk about this.

Jules then put the gun down and looked the X-man in the eyes.

Jules: Now start talking.
Wolverine: Me and my client were wondering if you wanted to join our cause.
Jules: What cause exactly?
Wolverine: I'll explain once we get where we need to be.

Time skip cause yes

Tony Stark: You made it!! Our guest of honor!
Jules: Alright, what do you want?
Tony Stark: Jules, was it? Daughter of Midas, excellent engineer.

Jules, out of rage, grabbed Tony by the throat and pinned him to the wall. Tony noticed her eyes glowing gold with a fiery look. Ready to strike, Logan ignited his claws.

Jules: What do you know about my dad?!
Tony Stark: L-look... just let go... and we'll talk business...

Jules then let go and Logan retracted his claws.
Tony Stark: So. You're one of the people selected to be recruited for a battle against a being by the name of Galactus. He's after something we have and if he gets it, we'll be looking at something I have yet to know. Point is, if we don't stop him, we're doomed.
Jules: And why did you want me?
Tony Stark: Not only will your skills as an engineer come in handy, but you also have that golden touch of yours.
Jules: In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to lay low because of what I was a part of.
Tony Stark: How about this. You stay at the Avengers facility for 2 day if you still don't want to be a part of the fight, I'll clear your name and you'll be free to go.
Jules: Fine but just know this is a waste of your time.
Tony Stark: Perfect! Let's get started!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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