"Whispering?" Harry pressed. 

"Merlin, you're a sadist, Potter," Draco groused. "Yes, whispering. In my ear. Last Friday."

"What about it?" Harry asked, genuinely confused.

Draco groaned and buried face in his hands. Harry felt embarrassed for him, but he was enjoying this immensely nonetheless.

"Your lips. They were very close to my ear, and your breath was hot, and your voice was pleasant," Draco said in a rush, eager to get it over with.

"You were shaking," Harry remembered, grinning.

"I was n- Oh, hell!" Draco deliberately banged the back of his head against his chair in defeat. 

Harry chuckled, and Draco's eyes cracked open to glare at him heatedly. But then Draco was already turning the tables on him. 

"What about you, Potter? Pulling me closer? Wrapping your legs around me? Don't tell me you didn't get something out of it."

"I was only trying to stop you squirming!" Harry exclaimed, thrilled that it was true. "It wasn't my fault that you started pressing back against me! I couldn't help but get distracted."

"Distracted?" Draco repeated with a quirk of one eyebrow.

"Yes, distracted." Harry glared at him.

"Are you sure you weren't enjoying yourself?"

"Ye-" Harry cursed when the potion stopped him and growled instead. "No."

"So you did like it?"

"Yes," said Harry, obviously not liking this game. "Now bugger off, Malfoy."

"I'm only following directions,Potter," Draco smirked, using Harry's own words from the hand-holding lesson.

Harry resisted the urge to cross the space between them and knock that infuriating grin off of Malfoy's face. 

Unnerved and deeply shaken by the openness that they'd just shared, Harry sank lower in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. After a few moments, Draco shifted in his seat, the creak of springs loud in the silence.

"Do you really hate me?" he asked quietly.

"No," Harry answered automatically, not knowing that it was true until he'd said it. "I used to. But there's a lot of other stuff going on that's more important."

"Thanks," Draco muttered dryly.

"Don't pout," Harry snapped. "I guess I realized at the end of fifth year that I didn't hate you anymore. I know why things changed for me, but what about you?"

Draco didn't answer immediately. He drew his lower lip partially between his teeth and Harry's eyes followed the movement unconsciously. When he let the reddened flesh slowly slip from his bite, Harry looked away and released the breath that he'd been holding. 

He thought about the other students in the booths around them, kissing their partners, and the fact that he and Malfoy would have to kiss as well at some point. A smidge of anticipation tingled in his belly, and Harry forced himself to stop thinking about it.

"I don't think I did hate you until the end of fifth year," Draco said softly, looking straight at Harry. "I was embarrassed when you rejected my friendship our first year. It stung, and I wanted to hurt you back. But I don't think I genuinely hated you, because if you'd changed your mind and asked to be my friend, I would have forgiven everything."

Harry stared at the other boy in mute shock for several seconds before voicing his thoughts. "You insulted my friends, made fun of my parents, and tried to get me expelled or possibly even killed because I hurt your feelings when we were eleven?"

"What can I say? I'm petty."

Harry sighed, rolling his eyes. "Continue. Fifth year?"

"Well, that all changed when you got my father in jail," Draco paused and made a disgusted sound. "You know, as if it wasn't enough that you had to be so bloody perfect! Better at everything, getting away with breaking rules, the famous Boy Who Lived making the front page of the Prophet every other day... Then you had to go and take away the one thing in my life that made me feel that I had something over you."

He gave Harry a vicious look. "After all, at least I had a father."

Harry snarled. "Even under Vertitaserum, you're still just a snotty, spoiled little boy who can only feel good about himself by making other people feel horrible."

Draco turned away and fell into a moody silence. Harry's brain niggled at him that he was missing something important.

"Wait a second," he began. "You still haven't answered my question. Why did you say earlier that you don't know whether or not you hate me?"

Draco turned to give him a look of extreme resentment. The muscles in his jaw twitched a bit as he clenched it tightly, but Harry knew that he had to answer whether he wanted to or not.

"I realized that it wasn't your fault," Draco answered through gritted teeth. "My father made a poor decision and got himself caught."

"Good," Harry said. "So you're not completely stupid after all."

"Fuck you, Potter," Draco breathed heatedly.

"No, Malfoy, I don't think that's the way it's going to be." Harry told him, and watched Malfoy's eyes go wide with shock and disbelief.

Both boys jumped when the curtain was suddenly drawn back and Professor Mason's silhouette filled the entrance.

"I've had the house elves deliver some sandwiches. You'll be completing the day's lesson after you've finished eating," she said, beckoning them out into the empty classroom. The rest of the students had left for dinner in the Great Hall.

The boys rose from their seats, glaring daggers at one another as they walked by her. Looking up toward the heavens, Rosemary Mason heaved a great sigh. "Well, that appears to have been productive."


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