"Enjoying ourselves, are we?"

"I had a free period this morning, Professor." I defended, careful not to come off as anything but polite. It's only the third day. The last thing I need is a detention.

"So I noticed. I would think you would want to fill it with potions. Or is it no longer your ambition to become an auror?"

"It was, but I was told I had to get an "Outstanding" in my O.W.L." Which, by the way, was the most boring test I was ever forced to take.

"So you did, when Professor Snape was teaching potions. However, Professor Slughorn is perfectly happy to accept N.E.W.T's students with "Exceeds Expectations."

"Brilliant." Not brilliant. I was looking forward to not ever having to walk back into that potions classroom ever again. "Um. Well, I'll head there straightaway."

"Oh, good, good." Mcganagall smiled. I started to make my way back into the crowd before she began to speak again. "Oh and, Potter." She peered behind me over to Ron. He was smiling like an idiot as he looked down on some first years. "Take Mr. Wealsey with you. He looks far too happy. over there."


"I don't want to take potions." Ron whined as we made our way to the potions classroom. "This is qudditch trials coming up. I need to practice."

I ignored him and pushed open the large wooden door to the potions classroom. Walking into it, it didn't feel as gloomy and soul crushing as it felt when Snape was potions master. For once, I felt welcomed into the dusty old room.

"Ah. Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry." Slughorn cheerfully greeted. "We've brought someone with us, I see."

"Ron Weasley, sir. But I'm dead awful at potions, a menace, actually. So, I'm just going to-" Ron tried to back out of the door we had just come through. I pulled him back into the room. I am not sitting through another year of potions alone. 

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine." Slughorn said as he beckoned for us to come sit down. "Get your books out."

"Sorry, sir. I haven't actually gotten my book yet, nor has Ron." 

"Get what you want from the cupboard." Slughorn turned back to the class to continue his lesson. Ron and I walked over and opened the door to the rusty cupboard. Inside, only two books were left.

One was in perfect condition. The second looked as if had been run over a few times. We both immediately reached for the the first book. I tried to loosen it from his grip but he wouldn't let go. It wasn't until he cheated, by kicking me in the leg, I finally gave up and took the tattered book. 

I slapped his book with my own as we walked over to the Gryffindor side of the room. The tables were packed so closely together students were practically leaning all over each other. Hermione just happened to be sitting with her back to Athena Lestrange, scooting as far from her as possible. I sat across from Hermione. 

It also just happened to be across from Cassie. She looked up and our eyes held each other's gaze for a moment before she turned back to Slughorn. I could tell she was avoiding me from that one movement. She'll just have to get over that because I need to talk to her.

I thought a lot about last night as I was getting ready. Cassie was probably right. It was an awful idea. But to me, it was only such a terrible idea because I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted it to happen again. 

And again.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Everyone around me had already begun working on whatever we're supposed to be working on. 

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