"Ow", you pretended to get hurt by that. "How awkward. You just got rejected by grumpy, ugly girls." 

"Okay, that's it." the guy leaning on the wall said. He came towards you. "You're practically begging us for it now." 

Laura shrieked and you were so caught by surprise that you couldn't move.

"Hey!" someone shouted. It sounded like she was on the roof. "That's not how to speak to a lady." Everyone looked up towards the sound source, but the sun blinded you.

Then you saw someone jumping down and landing between you and the guy. You'd recognize that head of hair anywhere.

"Who the fuck are you?" the guys asked in chock. 

"That doesn't matter. What matter is that I will cause you a lot of pain if you don't leave girls alone and learn about consent." Black Thunder said. She did a finger gun with her right hand and pointed it at the guy who was about to hurt you. You immediately knew what was about to happen to the guys.

The guys laughed.

Before they could mock Black Thunder she shot a lightning right in front of both guys.

"Next time it's your heads." she said. She didn't had do say anything else as the two boys ran away as fast as they could.

"You're crazy", they yelled.

You walked up and hugged Black Thunder. Laura walked up to you.

"Thank you so much!" you said.

"Yes, m'am, thank you." Laura said. "I was so scared."

"You girls should be more careful." Black Thunder said. "Since I'm still a newbie Fury thought that I would just look out for the small guys. I guess mainly girls from rapists since apparently it's hard for men to know what 'no' means." 

The three of you walked towards the swimming hall. 

"Hey, I should teach you some self defense!" Black Thunder said. Laura had already walked inside to change.

"That would be awesome. Peter promised me to teach me, but those aliens came in between." you answered. 

"We can begin tonight, at my party!" Black Thunder said enthusiastic. 

"Sounds great!"


You, Peter, Sabrina and Riley walked through Kate's two big front doors. Kate was in the kitchen, talking to her dad.

"O... M... G..." Sabrina said under her breath. "That is-"

"Y/n!" Kate said when she saw you. She gestured all of you to come to the kitchen. "This is my dad, he's about to leave."

"Good evening Mr Wilson." you said. The four of you greeted him.

"Please, just call me Sam." he said. He grabbed his car keys from the counter, kissed Kate on her forehead, and walked out. You heard his car leave.

Before you could say or do anything Sabrina waved her phone in everyones face.

"Ummmmm, quick update. We are in Falcon's, THE Falcon's, house." Sabrina shouted as she filmed herself and you guys. She quickly posted it on her story.

"Wait, you are Falcon's daughter?" you asked in awe.

"Yeah... It's kind of embarrassing." Kate said. "He's an Avenger and have Black Thunder, a bad guy, as daughter." 

"Was a bad guy." Peter said. "Y/n told me what you're doing. You know, looking out for the small guys."

"I heard too!" Riley said. "I read an article where you caught a rapist who was about to attack five girls."

"Yeah and it's kind of embarrassing for me as well..." Kate said. "Everyone, including my dad, expects me to become an Avenger as well eventually."

"That's awesome!" Peter said. "I'm sure they want you to join them!"

"I guess..." Kate said.

"Hey, I see someone we need to say hi to." Sabrina said. She grabbed Riley and got lost in the crowd. 

"Follow them." you said to Peter and kissed his cheek. "I just want to talk some more with Kate."

Peter nodded and walked into the sea of people as well.

"I know what it feels like." you said.

"Huh?" Kate said.

"My name is y/n Stark, I'm Tony's daughter."

You did a pause. You haven't told anyone what you are about to tell Kate now, but it felt good since Kate also had a superhero as a dad and knew how it felt.

"I got accepted to M.I.T., the college my dad went to. Everyone expects me to take over the Stark industries and basically become the new Tony Stark, I guess. But truth is... my dream school is *insert dream school*. I want to be an *insert dream job*."

It felt good to finally let that out.

"I'm not as brilliant as my dad."

Kate hugged you.

"I understand completely".

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now