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I only asked for 4k, how have I got 6k reads? Thankyou to everyone who is voting, commenting and adding this book to their reading lists! Beyond grateful. 

-H xx

We did indeed take it slow. I still hadn't told Mason about my past, or who we were running from and for now he seemed content in letting me adjust at my own pace without him nagging for answers. I knew I would have to tell him, for trust only works two ways, but every time I thought I would be able to speak about it, my throat clogged, my eyes pricked with tears and I clammed up to the point of barely being able to say a word. Mason was sweet, holding me in a tight embrace until the tears stopped, but on occasion I could see his fists clench and hear his teeth grit together as he fought to remain composed. His heart would beat wildly against my face, accompanied by a low rumbling noise deep within his chest that I had come to recognize as comforting.

The beautiful, uplifting summer air, that I had loved so much, had taken a cold, depressing turn with the arrival of September with temperatures plummeting to single figures. Not as cold as some countries, I was sure, but for a summer lover like myself it sent misery through my soul every time I saw those rain clouds and my mood dimmed as I felt the wind pick up, allowing goosebumps to arrive on my bare skin as I had tried to cling onto my warmer wardrobe for as long as possible.

I found myself in Dee's more often than I cared to admit, stocking up on some must-have Autumn styles. Normally, I would just shove a plain, cheap coat over whatever I chose to wear that day, but Dee had fashion coming out of her ears and refused to let me leave without highlighting the seasons' picks. 

"If she is wearing it, then we must too," She said defiantly, flicking through a magazine and talking about yet another celebrity papped on the pavement wearing the latest Dolce&Gabbana or Gucci

"We don't have their paycheck," I replied to her for the fifteenth time as I carefully prised the magazine from her fingers as she made a whimpering noise. "And this is England Dee, I'm quite happy with Primark thankyou." 

Dee visibly shuddered, "The day I see myself in Primark, you can dye my fur bright bloody pink, it'll be less embarrassing." 

I snorted imagining Dee's russet brown fur suddenly dyed neon. I placed my hands together and begged her, "Oh please I'll find some animal-friendly dye!" 

Dee gave me the finger and dramatically turned on her heel to walk back around the counter, just as a lady with two young children set off the sweet, little chime above the door, signaling that they were no longer alone. As Dee set about making some money, I turned towards the back of the shop, where I spotted a cream coloured coat with a faux wool trim. I ran my hand across the wool and smiled softly as it reminded me of the first time I had come face to face with Mason's wolf without convulsing with fear. 

*Three Weeks ago*

"I don't know," I stammered, the heat of the sun disappearing behind the trees and I folded my arms across my breasts, as though that was going to warm me up. We were in the middle of an August heatwave and all week I had worn shorts and cami tops, but in the thick, dense forest the sun was finding it hard to penetrate my skin with its rays. 

"You told me you wanted to," Mason replied, standing in front of me, his glorious bare chest glistening with a thin layer of sweat. "In fact, all I've heard this past week is 'Mason please, oh Mason I really want to, Mason I'll do anything'..." Mason grinned as I leaned forward to swat him across the arm. 

"I do not sound like that," I gasped, "-and I never begged!" 

Mason's grin turned serious as he took in my nervous expression. He came closer and rubbed my arms with his hands, "If you're not ready, just say the words." 

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