Chapter 54: Memory Substitution

Start from the beginning

I sighed but she was correct. This dungeon prison was the safest place I could be. This is going to be miserable down here all alone but Y/N is alive... My heart began racing with happiness. I wanted to break the bars and run to her but as McGonagall told me, seeing me wouldn't help her and I knew I was the biggest enemy of Hogwarts students. They will do anything to kick me out.

"...How is she doing?" I asked and McGonagall smiled faintly.

"She's perfectly well. It could be quite uncomfortable in here but the moment you leave the cell, you will no longer be hidden under the spell. I'll bring you everything that you need, so just ring the bell on the side to send a signal to me." 

– y/n's pov –

When I opened my eyes, I was in Hospital Wing and Amber, Shane, Hermione, and Professor McGonagall were staring down at me worriedly.

"Y/N's up!" Hermione yelled excitedly.

"Y/N! I actually thought you were dead." Amber grabbed my hand and smiled brightly. Surprisingly, she then burst into tears.

"Hey, hey! What do you mean 'dead'? Why am I here?"

"You were -" Amber then got cut off by Professor McGonagall.

"Y/N, do you not remember what happened?"

"What? What happened? Why am I... in a dress?" I was so puzzled. The last thing I could remember was... My head started throbbing when I tried to remember stuff.

"Aah..." It felt empty. It felt as if there were holes in my memories. 

"You okay?" Hermione gasped.

"Yea, yea. I'm good. Actually... I feel more than good." I smiled at the group and they all looked so confused.

"This saved you. Do you... really not remember?" Then Hermione handed me a broken necklace.

"What is this?" I asked, unable to recognise the jewellery.

"Y/N, it's the necklace Draco gave you." Amber then answered my question, mentioning a name that I had never heard of.

"I'm sorry, who?" 

"Draco, Draco Malfoy!" Amber raised her voice and I gave the necklace back to Hermione.

"Okay, stop. You are freaking me out. Whoever that is, I think you are just making a huge deal out of uh... whatever happened to me that I don't particularly remember, but I'm well now so will you fill me in about what happened?"

Then silence fell.

"Y/N, something happened and I think the shock has removed some of your memories. Tell us everything you can remember... Could you first tell us where you were over the summer?" Hermione talked calmly but I sensed the seriousness of the situation.

"Uh... I spent my summer with my human parents and came back to Hogwarts..?" I replied.

"You were with your parents! We were worried sick after you just disappeared from the stadium back in May." Amber sighed.

"What do you mean 'disappeared'?" I didn't understand any of what Amber was saying.

"Triwizard tournament, Y/N. You disappeared after coming back from the maze, your third task..." Hermione spoke nervously.

"Guys, this is all a joke right? I wasn't a champion. I watched every tournament task with you, Amber." I was totally baffled. Then my head began throbbing again as I tried recalling my memories.

"Aah... Guys, my head hurts will you stop, please." Then I caught sight of someone lying on the bed on the opposite side.

"Is that... Kyle? What happened to Kyle?" I got up and walked to his bed. He seemed badly injured and I grew worried. Hermione awkwardly chuckled.

"Uh... Quidditch game! He was thrown off his broom. Don't worry, Madam Pomfrey said he will be fine soon. You, also were uh... cheering in that dress as part of the performance but the bludger hit you... Do you not remember? Well, you know what? You should rest a bit more." 

Hermione then dragged me back to the bed I was in and sat me down.

– Hermione's pov –

We left Y/N and Kyle in the Hospital Wing.

"Professor McGonagall, I think she has re-designed her memories the way she wants to remember them as a protection. I don't think she remembers anything about her interactions with... you-know-who, and all the other dark stuff. She doesn't even remember that she was the Triwizard tournament champion. I've read about it... Sometimes, strong curses can leave the victims with severe memory loss or... memory substitution." I blurted out with shock.

"Memory substitution... That must be it. Miss Granger, thank you for your help. You guys should go back to your common rooms now."

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