Chapter 2

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Pink Lady (2)

Chapter TWO: There Are Worst Things

(My "day off")
11:30 AM

The Pink Ladies were quickly walking to the studio. So much for our day off. Steven found the day perfect to schedule our measurements. Our movie wardrobe is something we should not put off he said. I say Steven should have his head smashed in. For Pete sakes, it was my day off! On the plus side, we finally got to sleep in. Most of the time when dance rehearsal is over we would drag ourselves to quarters and fall asleep, then, the cycle starts all over again at 5:30 in the morning. Today, I woke up at a relaxing 8 and took my time to get ready. I chatted with some of the cast and then gathered Jennie, Louisa and Marcie to go meet with the costumer.

Rose greeted us warmly as we finally got to the studio.

"Girls! Come in! Come in." She ushered us. "I'm Rose, your Personal Costumer for the Pink Ladies. I got some fabulous sketches to show you."

We bustled in and sat down in a couch. I looked around in awe. I've never seen such a cramped place. For an average sized room it felts like we were shoved into a closet. Half of the room was littered with manikins with pieces of cloth pin on. One wall was covered with different fabric in every imaginable color and pattern. Another wall was covered in finished pieces, there was a multitude of dresses and beautiful garments. In the corner there was a sewing machine, where I imagined Rose works with. Lastly, there was a large table that took up most of the space. We were shoved into a couch that barely seated two.

"Ah, here they are." Rose announced. She came back with a large sketch book.

"Rizzo. I had fun with yours" She jittered. Rose flipped over her book and showed me her first drawing.

"I see Rizzo in a lot of pencil skirts and flats. Unfortunately, Steven doesn't want crazy patterns for you, so to spice up that plain Jane..." Rose trailed off and looked around in search for something. She grabbed a random piece of fabric and showed me something so awesome. The fabric had a sample of a stitched on kiss. In every article of clothing I'll be wearing there be a kiss on it. It's like my trademark. I thought it was pretty cool.

"I love that." I gushed.

Rose smiled at me, "Well I'm glad you do. I just didn't like Rizzo in plain monotonous colors so I thought the producers wouldn't mind if I added Rizzo's personal seal of approval. I'll have this outfit in 3 different outfits. Oh and here..."

She flipped another page.

" your dress for the dance. A red number just like in the original movie. I got rid of the polka dots but I kept that mermaid shape to it. You'll look va-va-voom in it."

I'm loving every second of this.

She flipped another page.

I was completely confused with this one.

It was a silver number. A loose fitting dress that look like a muumuu. It cut off at the mid-thigh. White tights and a silver wig...

Yeah, I had no idea where I'll be using this number.

"This is actually for everybody except Frenchy. This is for the 'Beauty School Dropout' song. Jan, Marty and Rizzo will be in it." Rose explained.

Ah, now I remember.

Louisa and Marcie grinned at each other. By the look of their faces they were cracking a million jokes on this outfit. For some reason, I was looking forward for this scene. I just needed to see how ridiculous we'll look in those.

"And for the last scenes, I love this on you..."

She showed me a sketch of a clean blue sleeveless short cropped shirt and a high wasted pair of white shorts.

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