Joy in Silence

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There was only silence. To one, the silence was warm, pleasing, comforting. To the other, it was disquieting, bringing about the racing negative thoughts and doubts and projected expectations... the silence was asphyxiating.

"What are you thinking about?", she disrupted the perfect silence -in his mind- "Nothing, why?", "It is highly unlikely that your mind is completely blank at this moment." "Yeah, it is", his smile only grew -and she blinked, she could have sworn his eyes were smiling? too. 'It's only the moonlight', she said to herself-

"Why do you always do that?", she asked him in a harmless tone. "Do what?", he said, puzzled. "That!?" -lifting her hand in the air in his direction- "Look at me with those eyes and I might be delirious, but it feels like your grin gets bigger by the second while you do 'that!'"

"I cannot help it if the woman in front of me is the most exquisite being I've ever laid my eyes upon. I could easily live the rest of my life doing just that, looking at you."

She did not know how to react. Those were definitely uncharted territories. She got such a shade of red, practically inhumanly possible. He only chuckled in response.

"Regina don't think. Just feel!" ... "Be here, with me!"

-She would be lying if she said that his words immediately put her at easy. But she would try, that was for sure- she let out a long breath and gave him an awkward smile. Another deep breath and she closed her eyes, focusing on his touch.

He hummed appreciatively and continued his feathery circles on her lower back, while his elbow occasionally pressed into her hip, making the skin there rather ticklish. She giggled, which he took as an approval and he then, proceeded to move his fingers, ever so lightly up her side, stopping at her clavicle, and then down her spine while she kept caressing his stubble. He was happy in that moment, the woman he loved in front of him, him caressing her, her eyes closed, her giggling, his heart was full.

She sighed when his finger got closer to her breast, which she had not realized had become increasingly sensitive. -this 'feeling touch' thing was not going good for her, she noticed that practically all her body then had become extremely sensitive, she could feel her blood pulsating almost throughout her whole body- She opened her eyes, and his eyes had a different shade now, darker. Her arousal got close to excruciating and she needed a change in position, she needed some friction.

She opened her leg and let it fall languidly over his thigh, -oh she knew that new position only made things worse with the friction part, but she was hoping he would take the hint- the moment her ankle hit his butt, he jerked forward involuntarily, forcing his shaft against her lower stomach, which caused her to both moan and bite her lower lip, and close her eyes again. Her eyes snapped open when she felt something slither down her thigh, -yes, she was dripping wet- which made her feel like a teenager again, taken by embarrassment. She tried to peak down but could not see anything.

He sensed her discomfort, "Regina, what's wrong?", she shook her head slightly, trying to avoid his eyes but that only made her feel more embarrassed and anxious, -and somehow, more aroused?- He took her chin up so she would look at him, "talk to me", she breathed out and unconsciously, her eyes darted down again for a second, but this time he caught it and his eyes followed hers. Given his position, what he saw actually made him smirk. -he could not understand why she would feel ashamed about it, particularly since his own arousal was poking her belly- He smiled because seeing her juices inflated his ego, because he was the one causing that and his love and lust for her only grew.

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