Chapter 2

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She pulled away with a meschivious look in her eyes, she looked sort of frightened, but also so happy. she stared into my eyes for a long time, as if seeing into my soul... my soul.... she almost made me believe that I had one, It's been so long since I did believe that, why did she affect me so much? she reached up and softly placed her fingertips  on my cheek.

"I'm sorry." she whispered yet again, I looked at her, I could tell curiosity and surprised was coloring my face, I waited for her to continue, but she just sighed, sat back down the way she was before, and started playing with my fingers. 

"Why are you sorry?" I asked, she looked at me shocked, I'm not sure why, because I didn't know why she was sorry perhaps? but, what has this beautiful creature done that she would need to say sorry? I sure didn't know. maybe it was because I said anything at all. she smiled slightly, 

"I don't even know your name and I'm kissing you." she whispered, seeming surprised at herself "I'm not usually like that, I'm usually so shy, I don't know whats gotten into me, I don't know why I am falling for you so fast." I chuckled.

"It's fine love, I didn't know your name before I started falling for you either." I admitted sheepishly, she smiled, a dazzeling smile indeed.

"Really?" she asked. I nodded, she suddenly got a very serious look on her face, "Well... if I'm going to be in love with you, and have you love me back I will need to know your name." 

"Sorry," I murmered "My name is Edward Cullen." 

"Edward." she whispered smiling. "Well Edward, I think that if I have you then immortality isn't such a bad thing... infact, I'm excited for the rest of forever." 

I smiled, My heart swelling at the thought of being with this angel forever, she was bouncing up and down, much like my sister Alice, but, something she said distracted me, and I snorted. I was suddenly on my back, I feared that this was the 'snap' and if you're wondering what I mean, newborn vampires have such a short temper, they usually snap at least once.

but when my eyes focused on her she was smiling. 

"What's funny?" she asked, I sat back up. 

"you just said something about thinking immortality isn't such a bad thing," I said "I read minds, but for some unknown reason, I can't read yours... yours is silent, its nice to know what your thinking... especially knowing that you are thinking the same as me." 

her face had fallen into a slight frown, her forehead puckered, which made my eyebrows furrow. I was about to ask what was wrong but before I had a chance to ask she answered my question with another question. 

"you can't hear my mind? I'm a freak?" she asked, I busted out in laughing fits. "It's not funny!" she whined, i sobered up, not wanting her to be mad.

"I just told you I can read minds, and you think you're the freak." she smiled slightly.

"It's just weird... am I the only one you can't... hear?" she asked, I nodded.

"But maybe you have a gift of your own that keeps me from hearing you." I offered, she had a big grin.

"Well, I'm happy you can't read my mind, It's nice to have your mind being a private place." she said.I smiled at the thought of her being happy. 

"what do you want to do?" I asked her. 

"It's up to you." she said. a plan suddenly formed in my head to take her to my favorite place, I grinned like an idiot.

"Well how ab-" I was cut off as my phone started vibrating in my hand, I looked down and seen Alices name on my Iphone, I sighed, and looked at Bella who seemed confused as to who alice was, 'my sister' i mouthed as I picked up the phone.

"Hello Alice." I sighed.

"Don'" she growled.

"what? what was I going to do that was so bad?" I demanded, Really, Alice needed to but out.

"you know exactly what Eddie boy!" she exclaimed.

"Edward," I corrected "And no, no I don't." 

"you find your mate and then decide to take her somewhere? without introducing her to your family?" she tsk'd "I'm appauled at you Edward" I snorted.

"Fine, I'll let you guys meet her first but if you so much as make her flinch, and this goes to all of you, I will rip you apart and burn the pieces." I said.

"Is that a threat?" she asked.

"Nope." I replied, popping the 'p' "It's a promise." 

she giggled "The whole family is going to love her, I've seen it, her and I will be best friends, and Her and Rosie will be great friends, and emmy and Jazz will see her as a little sister and Carlise and Esme as a daughter, come on! it'll be great!" she finished her rant.

"Alright,  see you soon." I hung up. 

I looked to Bella who had a huge grin on her face, and was, once again, bouncing up and down, "I get to meet your family?" she asked,

"Well, from what Alice has said it looks like it's our family love, plus, any family who wouldn't accept you isn't a real good family at all now is it?" I said smiling, I kissed her forehead "you're my Bella, so my family, is your family." 

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly, before I stood up, taking her hand in mine, and walking off towards the house.


"So, how did your sister know about me?" Bella asked me after a few moments.

"Well, do you remember how I told you I can read minds?" I asked, she nodded, a confused look on her face. 

"well, my beautiful Bella, My sister can see the future."I said.

"so she saw me coming?" she asked, I nodded 


"so the rest of your family... do they have... talents?" she whispered gently.

"My brother Jasper, a.k.a. Alices husband, can feel and control your emotions. and My father, Carlise, has impecible self control, infact, he is the best doctor around." 

"Really?" she whispered seeming mesmerized.

"Really." I confirmed. 

It was mere moments later we walked into my back yard, she gasped at the sight of my house and I tightened my grip on her hand, willing her to keep moving forward, we got to the door, and were immedietly surrounded by six, anxious, curious, and loving eyes, and like I expected, Bella finched. 

I sighed... had I not warned them? 

"Hello Bella, I'm Alice." Alice chirped. Bellas grin grew, and was now stretched from ear to ear, Alice embraced Bella in a hug which Bella happily returned. 

"It's so nice to meet you Alice!" Bella practically squealed. 

'I didn't tell anyone.' Alice thought towards me, I noticed now that everyone seemed confused, I pulled bella back into my arms before saying.

"Everyone, this is my mate, Bella, she is... she's a newborn." I said. everyone gasped, shocked, but their thoughts were happy. 

"You've found your mate?" Rosalie asked me. 

"Yes, Rosalie, I have." I smiled down at Bella, who smiled back happily.

"Bella, If you don't mind me asking, do you remember what happened right before you were changed?" Carlise asked her. Her face fell, and she looked at me, asking me a silent question.

"Family meeting." I called.

My Bella.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum