dinner date <3

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"I need someone to call the station we need backup ASAP!" caption maya bishop demanded.

"on it" vic yelled out.

the blonde already had a long day and was not in the mood for any bullshit. she just wanted to go home to the one person that made her happy. her girlfriend. wednesday from the other fire station. they had an apartment together and seemed to be managing their work life and love life well. it was a struggle but they pulled it off.

meanwhile grey-sloan was having a long day as well. many new patients, lots of traumas and baby deliveries. doctor carina deluca was supposed to have the day off but ended up getting called in.

"run this to the lab now i need it back in an hour" she told one of her interns as she rushed back to a patient who was currently in labor.

"sure thing doctor deluca" the intern responded

"you seem stressed" her boyfriend owen said as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

owen hunt was a trauma surgeon at grey-sloan who had a very busy and stressful day as well but still has a smile on his face that made carina almost annoyed that he was so happy after the day that they have been having.

"how are you not stressed" carina replied.

"because i've been thinking about you all day"

"oh really" she said playfully

"yep. i also just finished an amazing surgery"

"mhm. i have to go deliver a baby i will see you at home tonight" she said as she ran the opposite direction.

back at the station they had finally put out the fire once travis and jack had gotten there to help. the blonde was overwhelmed with everything at the moment. wednesday was being distant and seemed like she didn't care she was hanging out with her ex, owen hunt, a lot. maya was worried they had a thing going on but she wanted to trust wednesday. she reassured maya that she didn't have to worry about him that they were just friends. this made a carina jealous too but she never said anything because she didn't want to start a fight with owen.

later that night maya got home to see her girlfriend, she was in the kitchen but she wasn't making dinner like usual. the blonde was confused but just said,

"hey what's up"

"i saw owen on my way home from work"


"he was wondering if we wanted to go on a double date with him and his girlfriend"

"like you two and your setting me up with his girlfriend or like me and you actually dating for once" maya said jokingly

"hahaha" wednesday replied being sarcastic
"go get ready we are leaving soon"

"oh today, as in double date tonight?"

"yea are you ready"

maya really didn't want to go but she didn't want to start an argument and she knew if she went she could drink a little and that's exactly what she needed after the long day she had.

"i- uh- yea i will be ready soon give me a few minutes" maya said walking down the hallway

"dress nice it's a fancy restaurant"

maya didn't reply she just went to go get ready.

meanwhile owen gave carina the same memo and carina was upset she didn't want to go, she wanted to spend time with owen and not with his ex girlfriend but she agreed to go anyway.

"are you almost ready carina" owen called out to his girlfriend who always takes forever getting ready.

"...almost..." she said as she struggled to get her clothes on while trying to make sure her long curly hair wasn't a mess.

"maya we have to go" wednesday yelled down the hallway

"ok" maya said as she walked out of the bedroom wearing a black skirt with a fitted long sleeved burgundy top, and her hair curled and down. her blue eyes looked brighter than ever and her makeup was done almost to perfection.

"i'm ready" she said

"ok let's go"

wednesday had no reaction to how stunning maya looked she was just exited to go see owen is what it had seemed like.

10 minutes later they arrived at the restaurant.
maya and wednesday were looking around for carina and owen. they didn't see them yet so they got a table and sat down. maya sat facing the door and wednesday sat on the other side facing maya and the bar in the restaurant. a few minutes passed and they were just making small talk. Then...time stopped...maya had never seen carina in anything other than her messy hair and pink scrubs, so when she walked through the door of the restaurant wearing black leggings a white button up shirt with black heals and a long dark gray coat, the blonde caught her self staring as carina got closer with her dark long flowing hair. carina looked up to see maya staring and there was a moment. maya felt her stomach drop. carina had butterflies as she stared into mayas bright blue eyes for what felt like hours. maya quickly looked away as carina walked over to the table and sat down next to her. owen sat next to wednesday which maya thought was weird but she didn't mind sitting next to carina.

"wow wednesday you have a gorgeous girlfriend" carina said messing around.
she wanted maya to know she looked good but was to scared to say anything directly to her

"haha yea i know" wednesday replied

"can i get you something to drink" the waiter said as he walked up to the table

"white wine" carina said

"red wine" maya answered

owen ordered some fancy drink that sounded like a whole different language and wednesday ordered a vodka tonic.

as the night progressed and the two couples were talking there was a weird tension between maya and carina. of course they were sitting next to each other and it was slightly awkward but this was a different feeling maya felt between them. they ordered dinner and were all eating. owen was talking about his day when suddenly carina went to grab her napkin off her lap and accidentally brushed against mayas thigh. this made the tension even stronger and maya was internally screaming but just continued eating and talking as if nothing happened. the blonde could feel herself wanting carinas touch. carina could feel that maya had gotten butterflies. about an hour later owen and wednesday went to go get drink refills. once they were gone carina looked at maya and said

"i think it's good for women to appreciate other women so i just wanted to tell you that you look really pretty"

maya smiled and started blushing but her makeup hid it pretty well.

"thank you. you too. i'm used to seeing you in your scrubs and messy hair but you look good outside of work too" she said while thinking to herself wow she's perfect but maya had a girlfriend so she didn't say that part out loud.

carina just smiled back and was admiring mayas ice blue eyes...again.

"i'm gonna run to the bathroom really quick" maya said...

a few minutes had passed, owen and wednesday still were not back so carina turned her head so she could see the bar and saw something. she just stared in shock she didn't know what to think.

she instantly got up to go find maya.

"maya! i-" the brunette stuttered as she ran into the bathroom to see maya standing there applying her lipstick and touching up her makeup...

"what carina!" she said confused.

"i knew it maya... "

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