Kratcy x Reader-❤

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Heyhey! This was not requested, however, I wanna get this book started lmao
Btw im still new to the C.F.M.O.T. fandom h
Meaning that my writing will not be the best and the characters might be out of character
Oh and the reader goes by They/Them because eee idk what gender to put h

Y/N walked through the grass, sighing softly at the fresh morning air. Yes, it was morning, about 7:45 AM to be exact.
Y/N eventually stopped walking and sat down on a hill, staring into the distance.
They looked around, seeing that some others were also awake. Those objects being Kurasan, one of Y/Ns besties, and Knify.
The two were fighting over something, which wasn't at all surprising to them.
They continued to sit on that hill, alone until a few moments later, Kurasan stopped fighting with Knify and sat beside you. "Hey! Watcha doin?" He asked, looking at Y/N.
"Oh erm, nothing really. Im just.. Thinking about some things I guess" They muttered, looking back down at the small croissant.
"What things? I have seen you staring at Kratcy during contests soo-" Y/N rolled their eyes, facepalming. Kurasan had been going on about this for weeks now. And the fact that it was all true didn't help one bit.
"Shut up-" They mumbled, glancing away.
"C'mon, just admit it, you have a crush on a weird pink Й" He said with a chuckle.
"I dont- ugh finee.." Y/N groaned in defeat. "I might,,"
Kurasan chuckled a little more, grinning. "Its pretty obvious Y/N. When are you gonna tell him?"
"W-What-? I don't even know if he likes me back-! What if he hates me for it-?" They fretted, hugging themselves.
Kurasan put his hand on their shoulder, smiling. "Just tell em. If you don't soon, you might regret it y'know"
Y/N sighed, he was right.
"Alright fineeeee.. I'll see if I can tell him later toda-"
Before they could finish their sentence, Kurasan ran off to chase after Knify for no apparent reason. They shrugged it off and layed down on the hill, eventually falling asleep.

About an hour later, they were awoken by Ë, who walked over to wake them up and tell them that it was time for a new challenge.
You stood up and walked over to where the rest were, yawning. Ë simply stood beside Kratcy as he talked, staring at the ground.

~After the challenge~
(AN- Your team is Band in this)

Band ended up winning the challenge winning again, leaving Blooming May in despair.
Y/N tried to make their way to Kratcy to tell him, but he was chatting witn Ë about something, causing them to just sigh and walk away and back to the hill.

After a couple more minutes, it was time for lunch. Everyone was now gathered at the lunch table, except for Y/N, who was on the hill, not even noticing that it was lunch time.
Ë took everyones orders, and right after that, realized that Y/N wasnt there.
"Erm, Kratcy, Y/N isnt here-" Ë pointed out to Kratcy, who blinked and looked at Ë, nodding. "I'll go and look for them. You give the rest of the contestants their lunch." He said, walking off and not waiting for Ë's reply
Eventually, Kratcy found them, sitting on a hill and looking down at their hands. He sat beside them, thinking of what to say.
"Hey" He said, waving an arm in front of their face. "Why arent you with all the other objects eating lunch? Not hungry?" He asked, a little bit concerned.
Y/N jumped, seeing how he was suddenly right next to them. "O-Oh uh.. Its lunch time-?!" They said, seemingly pretty shocked. Kratcy nodded. "Are you feeling okay? Your face is a little bit red" He questioned.
Y/N glanced away, seeing that he was talking about the totally not obvious blush on their face. "N-No.. I feel fine-"
Kratcy frowned a bit and grabbed their chin, making them face him. "Really? I doubt that" He said, looking somewhat serious. Y/N glanced away, sighing. They were going to tell him now.
"Well uh.. Kratcy can I just tell you something?" Y/N asked nervously, fidgeting a little. Kratcy let go of their chin and nodded, sighing. "Sure, make it quick though"
They inhaled and continued to glance away. "Erm.. So you see.. I uh.." They tried to figure out the right words, face burning red. Kratcy raised an eyebrow, setting a hand on their shoulder. "Go on"
"Kratcy.. I uhm.. I... I love you-!" They said, a flustered mess. Kratcy smiled a bit and side hugged them, grabbing their chin and once again forcing them to look at him. "I love you t-" Before he could finish, they kissed him, pulling away quickly, mumbling nonsense in attempt to think of what to say. Kratcy chuckled and held them, forgetting about the others.

Hours later, Ë walked up there, wondering why Kratcy wasnt back yet. He saw the two asleep on eachother, getting a small smile out of him. He sighed softly with a smile and walked back down, reassuring the others. "Don't worry dearies, Y/N and Kratcy are fine"


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