"Let's hear what bullshit it has to say this year." She heard Taylor whisper over the table to Asterin, "Placing a bet it will say sorting in it."

"Of fucking course it will Taylor, are you that dense?" Asterin quipped back.

If hat's could stretch, the sorting hat did exactly that. Taking a minute to move around on the stool, he opened his mouth and begun to sing.

"Welcome, Welcome to this fine castle of magic,

Where you will build new skills and families.

But first years, this experience will not be at all tragic-

You will learn, and learn and learn rather rapidly.

Everyone here has earned their places with their skills-

Prejudice will end in these castle's magical walls-

For you're welcome to stay, but the old debate still gives chills

As it already entered the castle is why i must sort you into houses.

If it's Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.

So lets see who will become your families from today-

with a trick Headmistress Hoggs taught me back in my days.

Will it be Slytherin, where the cunningness will shine-

but beware to be behind the very long and old line.

Maybe you will be a Hufflepuff, where you will never be left out-

In the years, you will learn how those badgers learned to shout.

Or perhaps Gryffindor, the bravest and boldest you will meet-

they stick together like a pack and will help you onto your feet.

Then there's the Ravenclaws, learning whatever they please-

Using their wits and intelligence to give you a big tease.

So sit on this old stool and let me into your young minds,

Come along, so this old hat can sort you, magical kind.

This song has gone on long enough-

and I have to start thinking my next sorting song!"

The roar of cheers and clapping was deafening, as it always is, but Asterin and Antonella were not clapping - nor where Erika or Taylor.

Headmistress Hoggs.

Matilda Hoggs.

Antonella should have been listening to all the new names who were entering Ravenclaw, as if she did she would know that the first name Professor McGonagall yelled was- Abbott, Gregory! Who was sorted into Hufflepuff. And she would know that Hufflepuff took at least 1/3 of the cohort for this year. But she wasn't listening, her mind was racing.

There has never been a Headmistress Hoggs, she knew that as a fact. They've studied the founders in their fourth year, and their was no such thing as Headmistress Hoggs. A single glance to Asterin was enough to know what she was thinking.

Dalton Corpus will obliterate her. 

The only surviving family branch of the original headmaster of Hogwarts, he held his head up high. But with Headmistress Hoggs, a name similar to that of Matilda. He would want to crush her...

"God, he isn't going to fuck her now... he is going to murder her..."

With the food already appearing on the table, Taylor had only just taken a drink from his pumpkin juice to have sat it on his jeans. His eyes wide from Asterin's conversation, "Please tell me you won't be explaining what you just said."

Her chest welled up tightly, just how it had when she was sorted. Dalton was ruthless, and Matilda was cunning - but together? They would scare death.

"Not a word until-"

Antonella knew what she meant. They would not speak of any suspicious until they were safely in the dorm, from prying ears. The two ate in silence, as Asterin made a point to eat as many sausages as possible, having Erika keep count how many she ate. Seven, she ate seven sausages.  Whereas, Antonella pushed her food around her plate, her mind could not rest when she heard the whispers about the similar suspicious they have - and of course Elizabeth Edward's was at the centre of it... only a few seats down from Taylor.

"I can't believe Matilda forced the hat to lie-"

Erika was the first to send a questioning look her way, as the four of them continued to listen to her bullshit.

"There's no such thing as Headmistress Hoggs... atlas!"

Antonella kept her mouth shut.

"Maybe she is trying to be the talk of the school? Wait- that makes too much sense... stupid bitch isn't she? Making up such lies."

"As much as we love hearing you talk Edwards, can you kindly shut the fuck up?"

Asterin's voice carried over the table, but it did not stop Elizabeth from talking.

"Of course only a Slytherin would make such a claim, and her being such a whore for attention... shouldn't have expected any less."

"That is complete bull-" Antonella's hand clasped over her mouth, stopping Asterin from talking. However, it was short lived as she licked her palm... a small sound of disgust came from Antonella's mouth. 

There was no stopping Elizabeth Edward's the second she started spueing gossip, they had learnt that very fact in her second year when she made it her person mission to spread that Asterin and Antonella were secretly dating. Of course everyone was mildly confused as Asterin were playing around with the third years, and Antonella was too busy being the epitome of a Ravenclaw; studying. 

As Asterin loved to say...

Antonella the brains.

Asterin the beauty...

and Matilda the brute... because she acts like a banshee.

RUN - James Potterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें