"Maybe there is something good that will happen today" he thought while setting up everything he needed to do and the files he has to start working with. Wearing his anti-radiation glasses he started to work with no rest.

Lunch Time~~~~

It's already 12:00. which means it is time for the lunch break. He stands up and stretches his muscle to remove the stiffness of his body. Working all day, just sitting and not doing anything to move every inch of his body make him stiff just looking at the computer and looking at files is all day and check if there is nothing wrong seems boring somehow. He won't complain because he likes it more than being cooped up in the house. While stretching one of his co-workers invited him

"Knite, come on we have to eat lunch to have the energy to continue where we stop working and maybe refreshed your mind somehow." 

"Wait, I'm coming in a few seconds" he said while fixing his looks and make him presentable again

Looking back at his co-workers at the door, he was ready to go to the cafeteria to eat and replenish his energy. They were chatting about random things like what they want to do after the work

"How about a karaoke after work or maybe drinking? What you guys think, I mean we haven't celebrated about him coming to the company"

"Yeah. Now you mention it, this is the first time in 2 years that we have a new co-worker and you are telling me now that we didn't celebrate it"

"Don't worry Knite, we are throwing a small evening dinner for you as a late celebration, hahahaha" they said while smiling and one of his co-workers have one arm on his shoulder and pat his head. He was so touched about it and he feels so grateful working with them alongside

"No worry guys, I don't mind not celebrating it, but if you insist sure why not" he said while laughing and they continue the journey to the cafeteria


It is already time to go home and they are now packing their stuff and arranging the things they have to bring or just making it presentable somehow. 

"Are you guys ready to go?"

"Yeah, we are ready to go" they all shouted at the same time. They look at each other and giggle.

They are ready to go and walk out to the company with a satisfied look on their face and ready to have an enjoyable, stress-free night and maybe a little getting to know each other. 

With just a few minutes' walk like maybe 10 to 15 minutes, they reach their destination which is a shabu-shabu place, where it is famous for its hotpot. They have reached their destination and just entering the restaurant 

"Good evening Sir! For how many people?" the attendant said

"For 5 person please"

"This way Mam and Sir" the attendant said and leading them to a table for 5 persons. 

Sitting now and telling the waitress what they want to order and just asking for water and beer for their drinks. The service in this restaurant is good just looking at the ambiance if feels like you were just at home and just relaxing and ready to eat.

    Their order has arrived and they started to eat and just a small conversation every now and then and they don't really like to talk much when eating, it's a complete silence but the silence go is interrupted with just one question

"Hey guys, why did you decide to work at the Knimp Nation company?" which makes everyone stop eating

"Steve that was a very random question... why did you ask that though?" 

"Mark, I'm just curious. There is no reason behind it" Steve said. He was greeted with silence

"Ok..... Since I am the one who asks the question then I'll go first... I join the company because of the benefits they offer to the employee... Tehee" with a matching grin on Steve's face "How about you guys? Celine?"

"Then my reason is that they are hiring which is at that time I am a fresh graduate of college so there not many employees at that time and it feels like a sure win for me" Celine said while having a reminiscing look on her face

"So the reason why I join the company is because of my ex-girlfriend" Mark said

"Wait a minute Mark, you are telling us now that you have an ex-girlfriend working at the company and you don't find it awkward?" Kanae asked

"Well I find it awkward at first but I don't mind know because that was a long time ago and I don't usually see her though so it's ok" 

"If you say so but that sucks like knowing you have your ex working at the same company you are in. Good luck, my man you need it more than we do. Hahahaha" Kanae said while having a mischievous face and which make Mark give him a noogie on the head 

"Stop itttt Mark, I hate it when someone ruins my hair" Kanae whine while trying to remove his arm

"Why did you decide to work at the company Kanae" asked Knite which makes the two stop their banter and Mark release the hold he has on Kanae and Kanae fix her hair

"Ohh my reason is simple.... I decide to work at the company is because....." Kanae stops finishing her sentence which makes them more curious about her reason to work there and in a few seconds she said her reason

"because of the boys. hahahahaha" they just sweatdropped on what she said. She just giggled and continues to eat

"How about you Knite?" Celine ask while holding her drink

"Me? .... There is nothing much about it... Someone told me that the company is hiring and there is no interview needed and the next day I am hired hehe" he said while drinking his beer and scratching the back of his head

After he said that, he looks at them and saw them staring at him like he was an alien

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Are you serious? Like serious with your story?"

"Yes, I am... Is there a problem with it?"

" YES!!! because the treatment is so unfair... wahhhh the question in the interview gives me shiver every time I remember it." Mark said while hugging himself and the others nodded

He just laughs and shrugs it off because he does not know how to answer that one and just continues to drink. He looks at the time and it seems that it is quite getting late 

"Hey guys, I have to go. it's kind of getting late for me and we still have an of things to do. So I'll be off. Check your alcohol tolerance guys, we don't want a hangover person in the department tomorrow hahahahaha. Bye guys and be safe. See you in the morning" he said and getting ready to leave

"Take care Knite, we will. We would watch their alcohol" they wave each other and Knite started to walks away and getting ready to hail a cab so that he can take a deserving rest he needs. But it still lingers in his mind, the reason why he did not have to take the interview like everyone else but with the cab in front of him, he just shrugs it off and just wants to take a rest.

 But it still lingers in his mind, the reason why he did not have to take the interview like everyone else but with the cab in front of him, he just shrugs it off and just wants to take a rest

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Hi everyone that is for today, sorry for the late update have a lot of stuff to work at and some problem arises. Enjoy reading

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