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My lil nugget-  Hyung I'm so sorry for what their saying please don't hate me.

Yoonie Hyung- Its fine my lil nugget I could never hate you🖤

My lil nugget- I don't know what to do I'm sorry. I tried to stop it but I can't. My followers are growing and it's getting worse

Yoonie Hyung- Jimin listen.. it's okay I promise. I'm fine they don't affect me. I promise.

My lil nugget- Yoonie. I know they affect you. Anyone would be affected by such mean comments.

Yoonie Hyung- Well here let's make this simple. Do you hate me? Do you think I'm fat? and do you think that I'm using you?

My lil nugget- WHAT! Hyung of course I don't hate you. I literally could never hate you. Your 100% not fat. You make me so happy and I most definitely do not think you are using me. I can tell that you, Jin, and Joon are all genuine people. You all ask us before you post things. You literally spent so much money on me this weekend and I feel super bad about that btw

Yoonie Hyung- Then that's all that matters to me and don't feel bad that I spent money on you when I wanted too. All that matters is that you trust me and I trust you. Cause Jimin I trust you more then anything.

My lil nugget- I trust you more then anything also Hyung. I'm just very sorry for all that.

Yoonie Hyung- It's okay. I am fine. I miss you!

My lil nugget- I miss you too. Your such a softie you know.

Yoonie Hyung- Hey! Am not 😔

My lil nugget- You just sent a pout emoji.

Yoonie Hyung- Hmph whatever FT me!

My lil nugget- Okay Yoonie.


"Did you eat dinner?" Jimin asked kicking his feet back and forth.

"Yeah" the older lied smiling softly into the phone.

"Okay, anyways they literally took my keys like can you believe that?" Jimin asked as Yoongi shook his head zoning out to the boys beautiful giggles and facial expression.

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