I growled, not backing down from this psychopath. She doesn't scary me in the slightest. I've dealt with threats similar to this one before with some unpleasant akumas. I'll have to keep a sharp eye on Shadow and make sure she doesn't hurt anyone.

"Anyway, I'm going to look around this dump some more," she said, walking over to the trap door and opening it, "See you later, sis."

   I slumped onto the chaise once Shadow left the room, her threat still lingering in the air. I clenched the pink cushioning, glaring at the floor in frustration. I can't let anyone else know or I'm just putting them in danger. I need to fix this problem on my own.

   "Besides..." a voice in my head bitterly spoke up, "...they'll never believe you."

   "Yes...yes, they would believe me if I told them," I quietly said to myself, sounding very disbelieving, "They wouldn't betray me...again."

   I swallowed down the lump in my throat, knowing fully well that I just lied to myself. No matter how much I tried to make it true, the denial spoke volumes. If can almost feel the voice taunting me from far away. I shook my head, pushing away the negativity.

   I don't have time to be thinking of this stuff. I trust my friends. I trust my dad. There is no doubt about it—none whatsoever. So, I can just move on from this subject and figure out how to deal with the bigger issue, Mallorie. I can do this without any help and avoid harming the people I care about.

   "Dinner is ready!" dad called from downstairs. I stiffened, still not in the mood to face my dad again.

   "I'm going to stay in my room," I finalized but my stomach growled in protest, "I will get something to eat later when everyone is asleep."


Chat Noir's P.O.V

   "See you later, Chat Noir," Sabrina waved goodbye before swinging off in the direction of her house. We just finished patrolling the city for any activity occurring during the night. The only exciting thing that happened was someone yelling loudly at whoever was on the other side of their phone call.

I took some time to calm the citizen down enough not to disturb anyone in the area and get themself akumatized.

Long story short, it wasn't a very fun patrol. No offense to Sabrina (she is actually doing a really good job), but I wish my actual beloved Ladybug was here instead. I miss our banter and talks on patrol, just the two of us without having to face any danger.

"I might just visit her," I thought, brimming with eagerness, "I hope she doesn't mind."

I grabbed my baton and vaulted from building to building. I can't help but wonder what Marinette is up to and how her day. Even though I did see her at school, I adore listening to her ramble about her day and hear the things I've missed.

A memory hit my brain, making me nearly miss the next rooftop. The memory of my other stupid self—my true identity—almost holding her hand. I still can't believe I nearly did that without thinking. I'm usually much more level headed than that.

Shaking away the memory, I continued my journey until landing on my destination—Marinette's balcony. I walked over to the skylight and excitedly rapped my knuckle against the glass. For a few minutes, nobody answered. I knocked again and patiently waited for a response. Yet, I didn't see any movement of her unlocking the skylight.

Worry began to bubble and I began to consider using cataclysm to break in. Much to my relief, Marinette finally opened the door. I can tell that something is definitely wrong just by her body language.

ShadowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz