Chapter 2

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Darth Vader stared down at the small form in the crib, greedily looking over every feature on his baby boy's face for what felt like the hundredth time now. Luke was perfect and he loved him. Sith we're not supposed to love. But it did not matter to him, Luke did. His little boy already had him wrapped around his finger and he didn't even know it.

With one last look, he finally left the nursery in his quarters on his ship. Unfortunately, he had some work to do. If he didn't do it soon his master would get suspicious and...he wasn't quite ready for the man to find out about Luke just yet. Sidious would find out eventually no doubt but he would prevent it for as long as he could.

Sidious might want to take Luke from him...

With a sigh, he sat down in his chair and picked up a datapad, not a second later a high pierced shriek filled the air followed by crying. Luke. Was something wrong? His son wasn't in danger, was he? Without hesitation, he jumped up from his chair and ran to Luke's nursery. Nothing seemed amiss but once he stretched out with the force he knew what the issue was.

Luke was hungry. He swore ever since he found his son a week ago his son did nothing but eat or sleep. Was this common for babies? He had read several online baby books but he still wasn't sure. She would know what to do, she always knew what to do plus this was her child as well.

Vader gently reached down and picked up his son and held him close to his chest.

"Shhh, shhh, I know little one you're hungry." He said softly.

The sith father moved over to a cupboard and took a bottle out and quickly made the baby formula for his son as quick as he could. He hated to hear his child cry... Once he was done he walked over to a chair nearby and sat down and slowly put the bottle up to Luke's lips. At once the baby started eating happily, and Vader genuinely smiled.

He was so happy he had found Luke and didn't want to consider the possibility of him never finding his son. When Luke finished Vader grimaced, this was the part he didn't like. He had only figured out it was normal after almost strangling a nurse to death.

Vader put down the bottle and got out a rag and gently patted Luke's back and soon enough the boy well...burped and spit up fell onto the rag. He would be so glad when he didn't have to do that anymore because he hated it. Besides what if Luke was actually sick when he burped him? Maybe...he was worrying too much. But being a father was very new to him.

He took the rag off his shoulder and dumped it into a dirty laundry bin he kept in the room then sat back down.

"Ba ba ba!" Luke exclaimed as he pointed at his father with a giggle.

"Hmmm? Oh yes, little one I know." Vader replied.

No, he never knew what Luke was saying since...he didn't understand baby talk but he always tried to reply.

Vader was thrown out of his thoughts when Luke smacked his nose as if trying to get attention.

"Little one that is my nose," Vader said with a chuckle.

"Ba ba!"

Oh, he loved this boy so much.


Ensign Firmus Piett was having a good day so far. But then things started to go downhill from there. His commanding officer had requested to see him, and he thought it would be for something normal. He didn't know how wrong he was.

"Firmus Piett correct?" The man questioned.

"Yes sir," Piett answered.

The man nodded and gestured to the seat in front of him. Reluctantly Piett sat down, suddenly having a very bad feeling about the whole thing.

"Piett, Lord Vader has requested for you to go to his quarters. You know where they are correct?"

Piett's eyes widened. Lord Vader? Was...he about to get his neck snapped for something? He couldn't think of anything he had done wrong. But he must have done something for his Lord to want to see him.

"Yes sir." Piett finally replied.

The man then waved a hand, clearly signaling for Piett to now leave. He slowly stood up and walked out of the room then down the hallways of the Devastator. This couldn't be good. Maybe he should have taken that vacation Veers said to take...But he had been too busy doing his job to think of the idea of a vacation.

Finally, Piett made it to Vader's quarters and went to knock but it opened before he could do such to show Vader with a small baby in his arms. S-Since when did Lord Vader have a baby? Maybe since Tatooine. He hadn't seen much of the second in command since then.

"Lord Vader, you requested me?" Piett questioned.

"Yes, ensign come in."

Piett walked into Vader's quarters when the man moved out of the way. Vader's quarters were dull shades of grey, black, and white. But he could swear he could see the color blue in another room nearby. Not that it mattered since he was probably going to die in the next few seconds.

"Piett I have called you here to watch after my son. I can't trust any nanny droid, and if you even dare tell the Emperor or fail me..."

The words were left unspoken but Piett knew very well what would happen to him if he failed. But what was shocking was the fact that Vader had a son.

"Yes, Lord Vader," Piett replied.

Then very slowly Vader handed Luke over to him, then kissed his son's head and left. Piett stood there in silence stunned and wondered how he wasn't dead yet and suddenly a babysitter for Darth Vader's son that he did not know the name of. Plus he had no idea how to even take care of a baby. He was so dead...

A/N: Welp. Poor Piett. Shouldn't be too hard to take care of little Luke though right? XD

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