~ Be my Valentine ~

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~ Ahhh, st.  Valentines day- the day of romance. Hearts, flowers and love. You were a student in high school, and you were making your way to school on this February morning. The air was cool and crisp this morning, and winter was in the air-one of those mornings it was so cold that you could see breath in the cold air. As you made your way into the school building, you wondered what today would bring. You weren't expecting to receive any special presents or cards today, as you didn't have a boyfriend at the moment. Not that you didn't have  a few admirers in your class-but you just hadn't been interested. Those few boys who were interested in you just weren't for you. There was one boy, however, who had caught your attention. He was had still started in your class a few months ago, and you found your self noticing him in the maths class you had together- from what you can tell, he had a very sweet personality- quiet, thoughtful, and intrigued you more than any of the other boys that you shared your classes with. Not that you had shared many words together-infact, hardly none-he seemed the shy type. Still, you had hoped that, one day you would be able to share more of a conversation and get to know him a bit better. 

                            You looked forward to today, because you knew you had a maths class today, and you knew he would be in your class too, and that you would see him there. As you sat at your usual desk for maths class that morning, there he was, coming in to sit at the desk in front of you-you caught his bright blue eyes, and as you made eye contact he gave you a shy smile. He quickly dropped a small piece of paper on your desk. You looked up at him curiously, but he just whispered, 'Don't open it now-wait till the end of the class' And spun back around as the teacher started to address the class. Well now, you couldn't help but be curious and glanced at it, but the small envelope gave no clue as to what was inside-just having your name on the front. You put it onto your lap, and kept on glancing at it through out the lesson, getting more and more curious as to what could be inside the envelope - now you were wishing the lesson would end as soon as possible just so you could open what was now on your lap- but time seemed to drag though you tried your best to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. When the hours lesson drew to an end, the bell signaling the end to the lesson, the rest of the students rose to their seats and filled out the room. You waited until everyone had left, then turned your attention to the envelope on your lap. Your hands opened the white paper, and a huge smile formed on your face as you pulled out a card. It was a valentines card! You glanced at the front, decorated by love hearts-with 'Happy Valentines day' written on the front. You could see it was handmade, and a some thought had been put into it. But your smile grew even wider when you read what was written inside;

                         'Dear Y/N,

Happy Valentines day!! I have wanted to say this for a while, but I have just been too nervous and shy to say it face to face to you, so I hope you don't mind me doing it this way. I have liked you for a while now and I hope that you will agree to be my Valentine this Valentines day? If you do agree, then meet me after school outside the front gates. I hope that I will see you there.

Love, your admirer

p.s -I hope you like this card- I made it for you myself!!

You had the widest smile now as you read the word he had written. You could hardly believe that you had received this-and how luck it was that the boy you like had written that he liked you too. Now the end of the day could hardly come quick enough, as you couldn't wait to be able to see him again at the end of the day. Finally, the end of the day came, and you practically raced out of the school building towards the school gates. There, sure enough, stood with red roses in his hand and a happy expression his blue eyes as he saw you approaching, running towards him excitedly.

'Y/n-you came!! You saw my card, then!! I hoped you liked it?'

'Oh my gosh, I loved it-I can't believe that you made that for me!! And these!', You said, glancing to the red roses that he held in his hands, 'These are for me?'

'Yes, y/n. These are for you. So here is my question for you-will you be my Valentine?'

'Yes! Oh yes, ofcourse I will!! I've been liking you for a while too and really I had always been hoping all along that you would ask me something like this!' You cried happily, accepting the beautiful red roses and threw your arms around him to give him a loving embrace.

He smiled back at you, holding you with the most happy and relieved expression on his face, and meet your eyes with his bright blue ones.

'Y/N? Would you mind you mind so much if I kissed you right now?'

'No', you replied back 'I wouldn't mind at all.....'

And with that, his lips edged towards yours and met yours with a long, sweet and loving kiss..............


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