Male O.C.

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Name: Clark Evens 

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Name: Clark Evens 

Age: 34

Affiliation: US Marine Corp.

Personality: Kind, Brave, smart, Serious(when it needs to be), makes jokes to uplift attention.

Likes: His country, the corp, guns, fighting, mostly peace, flying, space, serenity, the crew, Kaylee, stories of the wildest, and chocolate.

Dislikes: War, soldiers, and civilians dying, The Russians, Chinese, Alliance, Reavers.

skills: flying, weapons, hand to combat, speak other languages.  


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Clark Evens was born in Texas but moved to different states until living in Alaska(2036). At the age of 19, he attends college in New York but during his second year, WW3 broke out between Nato (European countries and the US) against Russians, Chinese, and North Korea. The Russians attacked NY and the US were able to push the Russians out of the city, though Clark lost his parents in the attack, a year later he joins the Marines. 

He participates in battles in the pacific against the Chinese, the invasion of North Korea, and won. In the middle of a battle, he notices fighter planes battling in the air and this made him interested in flying so he transferred to the Corp Air Force. In the sixth year of the war, Clark destroyed several aircraft during the invasion of China, even when he was shot down he still participates in battles capturing the capital of China, he was award serving in the pacific and awards for air combat. A year later China soon fell, and all focus was on Russia he too participates in dog fights throughout Europe, and eventually, the Russians surrender ending WW3.

Clark stays in the military even achieving the rank of captain, several years later the world made the accomplishment of building a space station on the moon, he was chosen to fly several missions in space.

( I'll start the story soon or maybe tonight well see, and I don't know how to start the halo x greek maybe give me a few ideas or something. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Washinton)

Male O.C. x FireflyWhere stories live. Discover now