Interview with Gwen and Harry Styles

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Q: Gwen did you honestly not know who Harry was when you met him? And was that weird for you Harry?
Gwen: I had heard of him yes, I mean I didn't live under a rock and I'm from California so the name Harry Styles I'd heard before. But I honestly didn't know what he looked like before meeting him. I wasn't a huge One Direction fan and he hadn't had any solo stuff out yet so I didn't really see his face anywhere.
Harry: You didn't like One Direction?
Gwen: Do not start with me. I didn't say I didn't like One Direction, I just said I wasn't a huge fan. There's a difference. That type of music just wasn't my thing. But I listen to it now with Vivienne.
Harry: But really it was sort of not weird but refreshing? The fact that this human whom I've completely become enamored with has no clue who I am other than what she sees and knows because of things I've told her, it was very exciting because it just assured me that she really liked me for the real me and not Harry Styles from One Direction.
Gwen: When I found out that he was this massive superstar it didn't change anything about him in my eyes. We met in a situation where no one treated him any different than everyone else so it wasn't until I got back home and told my friends who I had met and what had happened that it all sort of came crashing down that "wow he is like a really big deal huh?"
Harry: I remember being so scared about what was going to happened when she left Jamaica since I still had loads to do with the album and such and I just didn't want what we had built together to get ruined by like the reality of the real world if that makes sense? I didn't want her finding out about "Harry Styles" to ruin it all because I really liked her.
Gwen: It makes sense honeybuns. We met in the weirdest of circumstances so that's a very rational fear to have. But look at us! We've come so far!
Harry: So far indeed.

Q: Who is more romantic?
Harry: Gwen.
Gwen: See I was going to say you!
Harry: Me? No way. You leave me those cute little notes in random places that have those little poems on them.
Gwen: Yeah but you send me flowers randomly and will text me in the middle of the day reminding me of random things you love about me.
Harry: So it's safe to say we are both equally romantic? I will say this though, Gwen knows how to plan a romantic date that would put even the greatest romance movies to shame.
Gwen: I do love a good romantic date.

Q: What's Harry like in the mornings?
Gwen: Annoyingly cheery.
Harry: Ah love a good morning.
Gwen: Really he is a dream in the morning because me and mornings don't mix well so he's quite lovely to have around in the morning. He makes my coffee and sometimes if I'm really in a mood he will put my slippers on my feet for me.
Harry: That happens about four days out of the week lovey...
Gwen: Like I said me and mornings don't mix well so he's good to have around.
Harry: *smiles*

Q: Do you think you two have a healthy relationship?
Harry: Uh I mean yes? But I'm not afraid to say I'm a very codependent type human and Gwen is who I have clung to over the past few years but that's just me being honest.
Gwen: I think we have a healthy relationship. Every couple is different and Harry and I just prefer to be around each other anytime that we can. But that's what happens when you meet your soulmate.
Harry: I agree lovey. Gwen is literally my human. So if you've met your human than you get it? It's almost painful to be without them. But I don't think that's unhealthy? We can go places without each other we just don't enjoy it as much.
Gwen: I let him go to the grocery store without me. I loathe that place.
Harry: True. She hates it so yes I go there alone once a week and it's fine.

Q: What's something a lot of people get wrong about your relationship?
Gwen: That it's all perfect all the time, like people really think we don't ever argue and I'm like what? We broke up for like five months at one point. We aren't perfect.
Harry: Yes people seem to think the two of us are just such a perfect match that we aren't allowed to disagree or fight. We have disagreements but we are adults so we handle it and move on.
Gwen: He thinks that glitter belongs on everything and I disagree. There is a time and a place for it.
Harry: That time and place is always and on everything. So you see? We are just going to move on now because she knows that's a hill I am willing to die on.
Gwen: He will defend glitter until his dying breath.

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