Chapter 2

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Daisy's POV

I had him pinned to the ground and quickly walked over toward the two. Eden seemed to be in a lot of pain as tears streamed down her face and her lip was bleeding. What was she doing here? This is no place for a fifteen-year-old.

"Bobbi take Eden, I've got this." I commanded as I walked straight passed Eden towards the target. "Stand down Conner!" I let go, "There is no way out of this!"

This whole mission was going sideways. I was meant to extract him, take him back to base and help him with his powers. But how was I supposed to do that after what he did to Eden? I couldn't possibly help someone who had just hurt one of our own.

"Coulson, what do we do sir?" I spoke into the comms.

Bring him in for questioning, after that we will decide what to do.

I followed Coulson's order and made my way back to the Zephyr with Conner apprehended. Once back on the plane I directly walked over to the lab where Simmons was patching up Eden. The hit she took in her face was definitely going to bruise but the burns she had gotten on her forearms were far more concerning.

"She's lucky you came when you did, much longer and it would have been a third-degree burn." Jemma informed me. I looked at the girl sitting on the table, clenching her jaw as Simmons applied cool compresses to the affected areas. I could do something to this girl, why was she so reckless? This is what happens if you go out into the field without any training.

"Eden what the hell! What were you thinking sneaking into the field like that?! You are lucky I came when I did!"

"That's what she said, yeah." Eden nodded towards Simmons who in her turn gave her a soft smile.

"Jemma this isn't funny! What you did back there could have killed you!" I continued lecturing Eden.

"I'm sorry" She gulped as she obviously didn't want to show how much pain she was in. "I wanted to find the inhuman and talk to him."

"Why on earth would you want to do that?"

"Because I wanted to show you guys that I would be a good addition to the team. I can do more than stay behind on the base!"

I turned around and left the lab knowing that if I stayed any longer I wouldn't be able to control my anger much. This girl meant so much to all of us and all she did was bring herself into danger.

Eden's POV

Daisy obviously didn't want to know more about my reasons, she wouldn't understand anyway.

"I'm going to put a bandage on your arms now, okay?" Simmons said as she removed the compresses and went to get some bandages.

"So how did you think you would beat this guy?" She asked as she was wrapping the burns.

I sighed, this was going to sound stupid now. "I thought that because I lived at Afterlife I would know all the inhumans and since I didn't recognize this guy I figured he was just a random person. I didn't know he would be that strong."

"A broad inhuman closes in on you and you still think you can walk away unscathed?"

"He's inhuman?" I blurted, surprised by this new piece of information I had gotten. Simmons looked at me questioning before slowly nodding.

"But how come I didn't know him?"

"They really have been keeping all the information from you, haven't they? A crate of terrigen crystals fell into the ocean and now inhumans are popping up all over the globe."

"How is that possible?"

"That's enough Simmons." We both turned our heads to see Coulson standing in the doorway. "Once you're done I would like to have a word with Eden."

Shit, the boss himself wanted a word with me. This was not going to be good.

Jemma soon finished wrapping me up and took a few steps back to make some room for me. I jumped off the table, thanked her and walked towards Coulson, who on his turn turned around and made his way to his office. I followed him, my head hanging low like a puppy who had just been told off.

"Here" Coulson pushed a little black box across the desk towards me. "Open it" He ordered. I reached for the box and slowly opened it exposing a metal bracelet. "This bracelet bounds you to the base." He then continued walking around the desk to take the box back into his own hands. He picked up the ring and placed it around my wrist. "Consider yourself grounded." He then added and walked off.

"What! Wait don't you want to know my end of the story." I protested.

"I've heard enough." He said without looking back at me.

Great family I've got here, all they let me do is sit in the base. I'm never allowed to go out and now it's not even possible anymore - thanks to this stupid piece of tech bounding me.

"For how long will this be?" I ran after Coulson catching up with him once we were in the living area.

"Until I say so." He simply stated and continued walking. I froze, defeated.

"Jemma please tell him my intentions were good. Bobbi? Someone? Please."

"I'm sorry Bean, this is what's best for you." Bobbi said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Come on let's get a drink."

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