Best friends?

485 11 11

A/N I'm really sorry for not uploading I had school and I kinda had no motivation so right now I'm going to do as much as I can tonight, pic credits to the owners.


Saiki POV
(What a change (◍•ᴗ•◍) )

I don't know when I agreed to eat lunch with these idiots but oh well its a time to get to know Aren more,

"So Saiki not very talkative?"

No. Not to you anyway

"He doesn't talk that much, sometimes we can get words outta him"

Yes kaidou talk for me

"So guys.. Ya got anysecrets?"

Don't say it like that, anyways I do but I can't tell you ( ͠° ͟ ͜ʖ ͡ ͠°)

Kaidou POV

I look "straight" at Saiki hopefully getting some secrets out of him, I bet he keeps a lot, after a whole minute of silence I loudly whisper "I have a secret but you can't tell anyone"

I noticed aren was quite close to me, maybe he wants to hear my secret, maybe cause of something else..... No he doesn't like you get that out of your head, anyways if he did my mummy

(A/N I'm British and it's mummy for me plus it's something kaidou would say lol)

wouldn't really like that since she want me to succeed and get good grades and all.


Im now walking with Nendou, Saiki and Aren I never ended up telling them my secret because The dark reunion would come after me and I don't really want that.

Aren POV

I'm now walking with Kaidou, Saiki and nendou, Kaidou never got to tell me his secret maybe he didn't want to, I shouldn't of said anything ugh first day and I made a bad first impression, I look over to Kaidou and can't help but notice his smile it's adorable.. Enough with his smile it's distracting you. It's finally the end of school and I'm walking home with Nendou, Saiki and Kaidou, Saiki looks like he doesn't want to be here... Is it cause or me, did I do something? DID HE FIND OUT THAT I WAS A GANG MEMBER I hope not, unless he can read minds. That's impossible hehe.

Oh it's not when your a psychic like me *insert smug face*

Once they got to arens house Nendou wanted to see the inside of Arens house, so they walk in his house and went straight to his bedroom.

Kaidou POV

I'm in Arens room oh my gawd he has a baseball bat with loads of nails in it and there's something red on it aswe- "IS THAT BLOOD" I blurted out a bit loudly lucky aren wasn't in the room he was preparing tea for us down in the kitchen "Aye shortie come here" Nendou said I was mad that he called me shortie but I was too interested in what he found "a baby photo album? Ooh lemme see" Nendou said with a smug look on his face "no Nendou put that down we can't be going through his stuff while he's gone" I said whilst looking at the cover of the photo album, "HEY-" I said trying to take the album off him, that dumb boy thinking if he puts it high I can't reach it.. Well your right I can't but I still try anyway " Ooh what's this baby new guy HAHA LOOK AT HIM" Nendou said in between laughs I finally caught a glimpse of what he was looking at it was little Aren, I think Nendou was on about his hair, I take a closer look and jump back after what I saw "OH MAN WHY DOES HE LOOKS SO SCARY HE WAS ONLY A CHILD BACK THEN" I was stood there staring at the baby in photo he had slickback long hair with tiny bits sticking out at the front, he also had little cool shades and a black and white leather jacket with boots "I... Uh... I..... Aren" I was so shocked and scared at the same time I couldn't even form sentences Nendou finally put the album down right on time actually Aren walked in with the tea right after.

We all finally finishes our tea, it was quite late I never even noticed that "it's quite late don't ya think" I said nervously "Really Kaidou it's only 5:21 do you have somewhere to be? "

"Well my mum expects me to be home at 5:35 or she will get worried so I have to head off sorry" I say awkwardly

"It's okay Kaidou I understand now quickly go, you don't want your mum to worry about you now" He flashes a beautiful smile towards me it actually melted my heart

"S.. Sure bye!"


I was walking home it was about 5:30 and then I just realized what Aren said to me before I left "WAIT HE CALLED ME BESTIE" I was never as surprised and happy right at that moment, I started skipping happily home knowing that I'm his best friend.

A/N FINALLY my arms are hurting from writing this all at once and it's like 1:08 rn so lol gn to the Brits and good afternoon to the Americans ✨👌


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