Willow's POV

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We all woke up and went to go eat breakfast, it was just some fruits, nothing too special but it was delicious. I forgot all about the stories from last night until Krystal brought it up.

"So, should we go to the river after breakfast?" Krystal said in an excited tone, she really irked me.

"Yes!" Caleb said quickly, he was always up for adventures and whatever. Me, not so much. I preferred staying at home with William and playing with my teddy bear. My teddy bear...obviously it was mine! Krystal was trying to scare me I bet.

"I guess.." William said hesitantly, he sounded unsure and had a slight tone of worry. He looked over at me, "do you think you'll be okay coming with us Willow?" He asked me, I didn't want to sound like a baby so unfortunately...I agreed.

After we all finished our breakfast we went to go get changed, I was wearing a maroon and white colored dress. Krystal was wearing a brown dress. William and Caleb wore normal clothes, a shirt with pants and shoes. "Are we all ready to go?" Krystal asked. "Yeah!" William and Caleb said in unison making them look at each other than slowly start laughing. I held my teddy bear tightly to my chest and nodded slowly. Krystal looked at me while I was doing that and rolled her eyes. Me and her didn't get along very well, one of the obvious reasons being I'm six and she's twelve. Another reason is because I'm a "baby" or whatever.

"Let's go alreadyyyyyyy" Caleb said impatiently, grabbing Krystal's hand and dragging her outside. William offered his hand out to me and I took it and smiles in response, I was trying to cover my fear. We were all walking into the forest now, we were maybe a mile away from Krystal's house. The forest was dark and scary, animals made all types of eerie noises.

"Hey guys? I think I found the 'famous' river from my story!" Krystal said excitedly then she let go of Caleb's hand and ran off to the river. We lost her for a moment.

"Krys?" I called out, I know I said we didn't get along before but she was still my friend and I was concerned over her sudden disappearance. "Yeah I'm over here guys!" she called back. We followed her voice and stood next to her at the edge of the river looking at it.

"It's quite peaceful here, I love it." William said sitting down, taking his shoes off, rolling up his pants legs and sticking his feet in it. I sat down next to him and put my hand in the water. Cold.

"Let's do it now!" Krystal said impatiently, she sat on her knees and looked into the water staring at her reflection. "I think Willow should call her name~" she said teasingly. I glared at her then looked into the water. "Fine." I said coldly.

"I don't think that's a good idea in case this is real" William said nervously. When he was nervous he often talked quickly and then he paused for a minute to think of an alternative plan. "How about we all say it together."

"Fineeeeeeee" Krystal said sounding a little annoyed, that actually worked out better. Now I didn't have to worry about getting attacked by some ghost alone! "On the count of three we all say it together, okay? One, two, three." 

"Spirit, Spirit, Spirit."  We all said in unison. Nothing happened yet.

"Did it just cold for anyone else?" Caleb asks shivering, I could tell he asked genuinely. William looked at him in confusion. "You're lucky I brought a sweatshirt." William said crawling over to him and putting the sweatshirt over him.

"You're shivering during Summer? That's weird- are you sick?" Krystal said skeptically. Obviously he's not sick, It's the ghost! I wanted to shout that out but I kept quiet.

"Well nothing happened so your 'real story' seems fictional now." William said while hugging Caleb trying to warm him up. William was always the caring type, he always made sure everyone was healthy and doing alright. Then it happened...

Caleb's POV

I was freezing, yes I was aware that it was summer and I should be sweating but I wasn't. I was shivering, I felt like a frozen lake, I felt uneasy and sick. Then we all heard it, the scream. "Willow?!" I shouted looking at her, what was she doing?! She went into the lake and then started screaming, that silly girl she knows she can't swim!

Krystal's POV

I was looking at Caleb and William, of course I was questioning Caleb because I was concerned for him. Then I heard Willow scream, I turned my head quickly to Willow's direction. That scream sent shivers down my spine, it was a genuine scream. It was blood curdling, it sounded like she was getting murdered. "WILLOW!" I shouted and for the firsts time in a while, I was worried about her.

William's POV

I heard my little sister scream. I never got up and ran so fast before. I didn't even think twice before jumping into the river. I held her above the water, "are you okay?!" I shouted. She looked so scared, like she's seen a ghost. She was pale, she looked like the clouds, I quickly got both of us out of the water and to my surprise Krystal ran over to us to make sure she was okay. We all kind of forgot about Caleb existence since we were so worried about Willow. She coughed a lot before sitting up. She looked around with tears in her eyes. Her beautiful piercing blue eyes were filled with shock and looked a little dull.

"I s-saw her.." Willow finally said shakily and quietly. I was confused while Krystal's face lit up.

"You saw Spirit?! Awesome!-" Krystal said before I elbowed her and shook my head as in a 'now is not the time.'

"You saw Spirit, right Willow? Did she try hurting you? Why were you in the river if you know you can't swim." I asked her sounding serious. She was on the verge of tears.

"She tried drowning me! I leaned closely to the river to look at my reflection then I got pushed in by something!" Willow sounded scared, she then searched for her plushie. "Where is it..?" she asks thinking I had the answer. I shrugged and gave her a tight hug.

"Hey g-guys..?" Caleb says which startled us since we forgot he was there. "Yeah?" Krystal asked looking over at him then she stopped moving and stared at him in shock.

I turned and faced Caleb looking to see what made my friend go silent. I was terrified when I saw what happened. I quickly cover Willow's eyes by putting her head on my chest. "What happened to your face?!" I asked at him, he had scratches on his face and blood dripping from his mouth. All he did was stare at his bloody hands in shock. I put my sister in Krystal's arms then I walked over to Caleb and kneeled down. "Please explain why you're bleeding..."

//Author's note, this is really cringe and rushed so I'm sorry- I am also sorry about grammatical/spelling errors. This is just out of pure boredom\\

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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