j - Life in a million pieces

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Warning? : If you are an adult whose mind is stagnant and ceased searching new ways to look at world, well I want to tell u the following story may not excite you. It's for the kids.

So kids, let me tell u a story.

The story happened in the realm of colours, where colours are born with their unique personas. Atleast that's what is written in the ancient historical mythical book long lost in sea of lies and is hidden away from the ray of light. Don't believe me? Well u can ask any of the grandma's here and they will tell u all about the great grand history of the colours of the world that they heard from their grandparents. Ok, so everything was going well and good or rather everything was going as per the norms. I mean... yeah, there are some minor and major issues here and there. Jealousy and greed among colours, Superiority complex of the reds, bright privileged colours and favoritism towards some colours and partiality to others...but that's kinda common everywhere, right? There's nothing worthy of a story there.

So let me take you to this meadow where a new baby colour was born. When they're born it's hard to know what colour they will turn out to be. See, they have many colours but as they grow up they'll give up many and focus on their core colour and will end up as a part of that colour community.
The newborn was no different. She was given the name Rain Bow. And Rain was as colourful as any other baby colour. Rain grew up watching the skies rather than fellow colour kids. The sky was all Rain thought about day and night. Though the meadow was soft under her feet and beautiful to her eyes, Rain... Always wanted more.

Among the kids who had already chosen their colours, Rain was an outcast. She couldn't see her place among them, she couldn't find a colour that is core to her and let go of her other shades as she was told to. She was confused, when she looked at the void sky she could see herself up there. And no matter how hard she tried she knew she can't live in the meadow without giving up some of her shades and settling with just one and Rain wasn't one to settle with a puddle when she could dream the whole ocean.

So, that's when she decided she needed to leave.
Leave the meadow that is holding her back to seek the sky that is calling her heart.
Despite the whole realm being against the idea of a colour trying to grow up, up and towards the sky, the sky that is forbidden to them, she knew that's where she fill find her place and left.

They said the journey will be hard..
They warned She'll never make it...
They tried to show her how the sky is not what it seems and it is a dangerous place...
They told her how much they love her and her leaving them for a sky that is white in the day and dark in the night is breaking them...
They told her how once she leave she might never find her way back...
And will be lost to them...
But what they didn't know was....

She was ok. Though she couldn't learn to give up her shades she did learn to be ok. To be ok with her variety of shades. To be ok with being not able to see the beauty of the meadow over the craving for the skies. And she was ok leaving them behind and never finding her way back. Only thing she was not ok with was ignoring the longing in her soul for something hidden in the skies. And then she left, To her sky...

Her path was not straight. Her inexperienced weighed down her shoulders and she felt like she is loosing her momentum. She bend but didn't break...
She met the dust, she met the clouds,
She met the vapours, she met the birds,
She met the winds, & she met the storms

Not all were allies, some were..
Just cruel😞
And as she kept eyeing the sky, she was scared. She was tired..And the sky still seemed far. She could hear it in her head, the thoughts on a life she left behind. She looked down and saw herself in a river beneath. She had changed?

She was no more the colourful self she once was. Her colours were fading. Her limbs were broken. She could see herself breaking as she goes upward further. The shades she once tried to be true to are now loosing their glow. Everyone had told her. Everyone had warned her. But she had ignored them all. And now....
Will she make it? Is there even something waiting there for her? Or is she chasing an illusion?

She wanted to remember...why she started this journey? What was the life in the meadow like? Why did she leave it behind for a hopeless dream? But she couldn't remember. She was even forgetting the colours she used to have in her. Now she's losing it all... Is that what happens to everyone who chases the sky? Their colours die down and they just disappear?Is that why the sky is void of colours? But it doesn't matter now.

She's still going up even when she's trying hard to hold herself from crumbling apart
If she can't reach the sky atleast she tried... If she gets mixed with the sky, Its ok. She thought, atleast it's the sky I spent hours daydreaming all this life, It's the sky I longed for everytime I cried. So if I'm going to be one with it, then that is also a fitting end to my life. After all I had no place back there. So this is what it is then...

And as she accepted it, She felt it. For the first time, the peace. She was finally free
And she just started floating towards the sky waiting for her strength to drain out and finally become one with the sky...
She no longer cared there's no one waiting for her at the other end. She no longer wanted to prove something to anyone. This was her decision to come and she owns it now and that realization alone made her smile contentedly.

Then, she looked at the sky that is now almost dark. Right before her eyes the last bit of light drained out of the sky, leaving it pitch black. There she no longer felt the need to be of a certain colour. There was no one to look at her broken pieces and judge her. So she let go. She was holding herself together for so long. And the moment she did that, all her broken pieces just completely shattered into the darkness. They were no more of a certain colour. But they all mixed together to form light. A piece of light from each... They became tiny specks of light in the darkness that was called the sky....

And as she looked down from there she knew she is the Star of the sky. And the Sky is now a part of her and she's now a part of it...


So, that was the story of Rainbow who left her life, on a hopeless journey not knowing what she wanted... to end up becoming the stars of the night sky.
Now all the stars are her pieces.And if you're wondering if she liked it.... Well...she's shining😌

Moral of the story : It's your life, your decisions, your responsibility because you are the one who's gonna suffer and break while you become something beyond your imagination.
And trust me when I say this world needs stars, rainbows and many other beauties some who's yet to be formed.
They tell u about stars, they tell u about rainbows, but they forget to tell u the part where they break themselves to become one and hence this story...

Credit to my friend for her painting❤

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