Chaper one

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Y/N gets out of bed and brushes her messy strawberry blonde hair until it is smooth and perfect and then she puts a pink dress on before going downstairs. her parents tell her that they need to talk to her.

"what is it mom?"
"we are selling you to a gang because they offered a lot of money"
"no im sorry but we need the money to pay off our debt from your entire family's funeral after this gang we're selling you to killed them"
"they killed my family??? how am i going to live with them??!!!"
"idk go pack your stuff"

she stomps upstairs and flings open her bedroom door, her electric blue orbs filling with tears.
how am i gonna live with them?
she packs her stuff and goes downstairs when she hears a knock at the door. she opens the door and she sees 5 beautiful men.

"we are the gang that is buying you"
"ok suddenly im not that angry about you killing my whole family"
"lol ok"

Y/N's parents go to the door and give her her bag.

"go away now and give us our money"
"ok here"

they give them a million pounds

"ye we're rich"

Y/N gets in the car with them (it was a lamborghini) (a/n im rlly sorry i cant spell hehe UwU im so quirky)

when they get there they pull up outside a mansion

"ye we're rich"

Y/N gets all the clothes she wants and they all get married and have a sixsome every day

the end

a/n hi guys it's emmaxoxolove just an a/n to tell you that this is a very long story and it took so long but it was very fun to write. also i based y/n off my personality so please dont be mean about her. ok thank you i hope you enjoyed reading!!! 😜😜😜🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻💫💫💫 also please listen to the song i put at the start if the chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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