𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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we are all sitting at our table. me, bev, stan, ben, mike, bill and richie. i could see richie scanning everyone's face on the table, then his eyes stops on me. he wouldn't stop looking at me. oh god what's he going to do to me. he stared at me for about 5 minutes until bev got up to leave while the rest followed her. i was about to get up until richie started talking to me

"eds can you stay here for a sec" richie said staring at eddie again

"why and don't call me eds" i said

"i just need to talk to you"

i looked at him confused as I sat back down.

"okay so i need you to pretend to be my fake boyfriend, like we fake being together but everyone thinks its real" he says casually like its no big deal as i start choking on richie's words.

"jesus i did not expect you to say that" i say still very confused. "and why do i need to be your fake boyfriend, why don't you just get one if your that desperate"

"shut the fuck up im not gay and i don't actually want a boyfriend" he insists.

"then why are you asking me to be your boyfriend if you don't even want one?" i ask

"becuaseeee" he starts then taking my leftover fries and shoving them into his mouth. "i heard the girls talking about inviting a guy to a sleepover" he stops to chew. "but the guy they are wanting to invite is gay" he continues "and so i was thinking, if i had a boyfriend they would think that im gay then invite me to the sleepover" richie says proud of himself.

"first, those are my fries, and second, why don't you just say your gay to get into this stupid sleepover" i say staring at him chuckling

"eds its not a just stupid sleepover, there are going to be like ten girls there" richie explained "and it would be good for you too eds"

"my name isn't eds and how would going to sleepover with a bunch of girls be good for me"

"because your gay an-" richie said but i stopped him immediately before he could finish

"WHAT" i said with as my eyes looking like there going to pop out. "I AM NOT G-GAY! W-W- WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT FROM"

"oh please eds" richie said smirking. "i just know you are, i see the way girls look at you and your face in disgust. am i right or am i right?" richie said

he was right but i just stayed silent

"see i knew it" richie said chuckling

"h-how did you even?" i said looking at the ground.

"because im richie. duh" richie says sill smirking

"does anyone else know or just you?" i said hoping just him.

"im pretty sure just me, unless someone else figured out"

"good" i said looking back up at richie

"anywayyy, i was saying it would be good for you because then people will see that you like boys and when its over, boys will come up to you" richie said smirking and winking

"and this is just because you want to go to a sleepover?" i said unimpressed.

"shut up and say yes or no"

i mean this could be a good idea. but then i will have to come out to people. what if they dont accept me? what if everyone will hate me? what if i-

"tick tock eds" richie said waving his hand in my face

... "fine.... I'll do it" i said quitley

"really?!" richie said jumping around


"oh my gawdd! i never thought you would say yes to be honest" richie said still jumping around "okay, lets go through the rules" he said sitting down facing me with his face in his hands looking exited as ever.

"rules?" i said confused

"yes the rules"


"okay so first rule" richie said holding up one finger. "you have to act like my boyfriend no matter how much you hate me. act like you love me"

"all the time?" i say. its not that i hate richie. i don't. he is just very annoying at times. but he is also one of my closest friends.

"well only when people are around. when we are alone, you can hate me as much as you like" richie says

"okay thank god" i say acting relived

"okay, second rule" richie says while now holding up two fingers. "this has to keep going until them girls invite me to the sleepover"

"thats hardly even a rule, thats just you telling me i cant break up with my fake boyfriend"

"okay sherlock"

i just roll my eyes

"okay, third and final rule" richie said putting three fingers in my face so my eyes go blurry. "we cant tell anyone"

"what about the losers?"

"nope" richie says shaking his head

"not even the losers?!"

"no eds you cant tell anyone"

"so the losers are just going to think we are actually together and everythings" i say starting to get flustered and i start speaking faster. "what if they dont accept me? what if they just leave us? what if my mom finds out a-a-and she kicks me out? what if-"

"eds!" richie says putting his finger on my lips.

i get my inhaler out then i calm down.

"can you just promise me you wont tell anyone?" richie said

"okay. i promise" i say

"cross your heart?"

"cross my heart"

richie makes a cross sign on my chest

"eds its going to be okay, i will pick you up tomorrow at your house." richie said getting up

"okay but if your just a minute late, im going without you" i say rolling my eyes. "and dont call me eds"

"bye babes" he shouts as he walks away

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