Talk to me

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Y/n knocked on her boss's door. She heard a loud sigh before a raspy voice said "Come in." Y/n's face washed with concern seeing her boss's exhausted and painful expression. "You okay sir..?" He looked up at her before softly speaking. "We failed again. My wife had another miscarriage." Y/n considered her boss to be a great friend and fatherly figure. She went over to give him a hug. "I'm sorry.. How about you try adopting?" His eyes welled up with tears before he said "It's nothing we haven't tried. My wife wants one of her own. It'll be okay hopefully she'll agree if i bring it up to her again. "Good. Don't be too upset you guys will get to have children. I promise." Her boss lightly smiled. "Oh also, Ash's cell is 542. I hope you haven't forgotten you have to supervise her cell?"

Y/n made her way down the halls sighing. She knew Ash was a wild one but supervising her from 5am-6pm before switching with guards was not her cup of tea. She reached Ash's cell. She stood beside her for a few minutes but got concerned when it was eerily quiet. She looked through the bars to see Ash sleeping. She looked oddly peaceful for being such a disturbing person. Y/n continued to watch her sleeping face before she heard her mutter. She gasped as she saw a few tears softly glide down Ash's face. She watched Ash for a few minutes waiting for her sleeping state to calm down. The other guard across from cell 542 came walking with heavy footsteps. Y/n watched as Ash was abruptly woken in her sleep.

Ash broke out in a coughing fit as she woke. "...You okay?" Ash turned over and smirked as she saw Y/n. "Look who it is. Can I get your name princess?" Y/n snickered. "Don't call me that." Ash let out another cough. This made Y/n turn around to inspect her. She noticed her eyes looked bloodshot. She wasn't sure if it was from Ash crying or if she was high. She knew that Ash should've taken a drug test before she was moved to her cell so she was confused. Y/n searched her jail cell from the bars before seeing a needle on the ground. "..What ya lookin at?." Y/n had a confused expression before it turned angry. "Where'd you get that?" Ash followed her gaze to the floor where the needle laid. "Not mine." Y/n snapped her head to meet Ash's gaze. "It sure looks like it. Should i report this to the guards or you wanna talk?" Ash began to smile. "Feisty as always. Wanna guess where i got it princess?"

"This isn't a fucking game psycho. Wipe that smile off your face and tell me where you got that." Ash frowned. "Hey I don't like being called that." Y/n began walking to tell her boss before a voice stopped her. "Fiiine. The guard gave it to me. The one at cell 530. He used to be one of my subordinates." Ash said with a smirk. Her eyes were wide with excitement thinking about what would happen to the guard. "Tch.. crazy bitch." Y/n muttered.

Y/n walked into the bosses office without knocking. He picked his head up from his arms. "Yes ms Y/n?" Y/n let out a soft smile. "Sorry to interrupt your nap boss but Officer Tim has been giving drugs to inmates. The one in charge of cell 530." The boss sighed "Haah... Give him the messages he's fired please." Y/n started to walk out of the office. "Yes, sir."

Y/n was started down the familiar hallway to the inmates cells. She stopped at 530. "Hm?" Officer Tim quickly noticed her presence. "You're fired. Boss's words." He snickered. "You think i'm gonna believe that. Especially from you." Y/n assumed he was being like this because of their past rivalry. "If you don't believe me how about i mention the drugs you've been selling to inmates?" Tim froze in place. "Tch" He started walking off to which she assumed was the Boss's office. She felt bad for him because she could feel the earful he was gonna be having. She made her way back to Ash's cell.

"Welcome back princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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