Robots and Rehearsals

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Alex sits to the side of the auditorium, doing homework, while the cast of Romeo and Juliet mingles around him. Ms. Starr approaches him.

Kira: Hey, Alex. Are you doing okay?

Alex: Oh, yeah. I'm just waiting for Ava so we can walk home together.

Kira: Well, you know I don't mind you staying here. But I thought you might be interested in this.

She hands him a flyer, which he reads over.

Kira: Mrs. Cole is starting a Robotics club next week, and they meet on the same days we have rehearsals.

Alex: Really? Thanks, Ms. Starr. I'll definitely think about it.

Kira: [with a wink] Stay out of trouble over here, alright?

Across the room, Ava and Katy are talking.

Katy: Yeah, so almost everyone on my dad's side is named after a city in Texas. My grandma's name is Abilene, my uncle's name is Denton, and my dad's name is –

Kira: Katy? Can you read as Benvolio in the next scene? Mark is still running late.

Katy: Sure, no problem.

Kira: And Ava, your costumes are almost done. Can I have you go try them on so we can do the last couple alterations?

Ava: Okay.

Ava: [to Katy] I'll talk to you later?

Katy: Yeah!

As they go their separate ways, Alex approaches Ava.

Alex: Well, look who's getting on like a house on fire.

Ava: [smiling] She is so cool. And we actually have a lot in common, too!

Alex: Oh, really? Like what?

Ava: Umm...our dads are both named after a city in Texas.

Alex rolls his eyes, amused, before going back to his homework.


One week later, Alex is in a new classroom for the first Robotics Club meeting.

Mrs. Cole: Alright, everyone, I'm going to have you group up for our first Robotics project. Get together with at least one other person.

Alex is overwhelmed by the flurry of students roaming around and forming groups. Finally, he notices someone sitting by themselves in the corner of the room and approaches them.

Alex: Hey! Wanna be partners?

River: [relieved] Sure. I'm River.

Alex: I'm Alex. Nice pronoun button!

River looks down at their jacket, which has a 'they/them' button pinned on it.

River: Thanks! Wait, is that the new edition of the Electric Avenger?

Alex: Yeah! Only my favorite comic superhero ever.

River: Mine too!

Alex: I think we're going to get along just fine.

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