"Higher Than The Heavens Above."

Start from the beginning

Yang Meng shot straight up from his bed. He perked his ear up and listened. In the darkness there was no sounds from outside of his windows, but as he listened, he heard the sound again. Someone was screaming! He hit You Qi on his back until he woke up.
"What is it?! What's wrong," asked You Qi, startled.
"Listen! I hear someone being killed!" Yang Meng squealed.
You Qi tried to hear what his lover was hearing. He stayed silent for a while, then, he heard it! "What is that?!"
"I think someone is being murdered! Right here in this very hotel!"
"Nonsense!" You Qi spat.
They heard the scream again. It was faint, but they knew they heard it.
"Should we call the police," Yang Meng asked, reaching for his cell phone.
"Wait!" You Qi said, listening some more. He knew the voice! It sounded like Bai LuoYin!
Yang Meng frowned. He knew that their room was next door to theirs, but as he glanced at the time, he became more aware.
The scream turned into a loud moan.
Yang Meng's mouth hung open.
You Qi swallowed and realized what was happening next door. His friends were, um...
They both stuck earplugs into their ears and went back to sleep.

Gu Hai ran his tongue around the circumference of his lover's hole. Each stroke sent Bai LuoYin into a frenzy. He couldn't help what was coming out of his mouth. He couldn't contain himself. There was no way to hold it inside. He wished that his hands were free, maybe then he could cover his mouth. But then again, Gu Hai probably wanted him screaming in pleasure. It was so unfair. He hoped that he wouldn't be embarrassed tomorrow.
Gu Hai stopped to let him catch his breath. He picked up the bottle of liquid and smeared a tiny bit over Bai LuoYin's cockhead.
"No!" Bai LuoYin protested. If the liquid sent his bottom and nipples this crazy, he could imagine what it would do to his penis! He tried turning his head to plead again. "Gu Hai, please stop. I'm sorry. I will never do anything wicked to you again! I promise!" After saying the words out loud, he knew that the liquid had to be something illegal. There was no way that he would give in to Gu Hai so easily!
"Do you want more?"
"Yes, please."
"Do you want me to fuck you?"
"Yes, Gu Hai."
"Who is the best?"
"You are."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Gu Hai."
Gu Hai bit down on one of Bai LuoYin's ass cheeks and slapped it with both of his hands.
"Fuuck-" Bai LuoYin yelled out. There was so much pleasure running through his veins that his body jerked uncontrollably. Tears fell from his eyes. It felt so good that he knew that he would do anything that Gu Hai asked. He looked over at the bottle of liquid and thought that it must be magic. It had to be made from something magical. There was no way something like that was normal. "I want you inside me," he demanded.
Gu Hai stood up, lifted his shirt over his head, tossed it aside, stuck his pointy finger up, and wiggled it from side to side, "No," he said, "you don't get to order me around."
"Please," Bai LuoYin said, a tear falling from his eyes. He was beyond sanity now. He felt as if he would go mad if Gu Hai didn't touch him, tease him, play with his body, and make him feel good. He wanted consistency. All this stop and go that Gu Hai was doing was driving him insane. He literally wanted to pull his hair out from his head.
"Please, who?" Gu Hai teased. He frowned for an added affect.
"Please, husband," Bai LuoYin said. he twisted his body to the left to show that he was about to explode. The stickiness from his front peeled away from the sheets like a spider's web.
"Oh," Gu Hai said, leaving his mouth in the shape of the letter. He was just starting. He lay down beside Bai LuoYin and closed his eyes, pretending to go to sleep.
"You have to be joking! Gu Hai, wake up!"
Another two hours passed and it was four in the morning. After more water, Gu Hai climbed onto the bed again and put his head near Bai LuoYin's own. "I know you won't seek revenge on me," Gu Hai said.
Bai LuoYin frowned. "What makes you say that," he asked.
Gu Hai caressed his lover's face and said, "Because, you're better than me, Bai LuoYin. I love you."
Bai LuoYin knew he would plot something to get back at him, but no matter how he tried, Gu Hai was always one step ahead of him. Sure, he was upset, but he looked at it this way, Gu Hai kept life interesting, fun, spontaneous. He smiled at his wicked husband. His limbs were starting to hurt, but being that he was in the military, he was trained to withstand pain, to endure emotional and physical pain. "Make love to me, Gu Hai," he whispered.
Gu Hai took off the handcuffs and the rope. To his surprise, Bai LuoYin jumped onto his lap and planted a kiss on his lips. He opened his mouth and the kiss grew to something harder. Bai LuoYin ground his hips as he wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He impatiently grabbed Gu Hai's hand and guided it towards his hole. He wanted Gu Hai to play with it while he kissed him.
Bai LuoYin pulled on Gu Hai's bottom lip with his teeth. When Gu Hai's fingers touched his hole, he bit down. They both felt as if they had stuck a penny into their mouths and knew that Bai LuoYin had drawn blood. Gu Hai didn't mind, a small punishment for tying up his wife, he thought to himself.
They made love and fell asleep in each other's arms.
In the morning, Gu Hai awoke to bad news. Bai LuoYin stood at the foot of the bed with a cup of coffee in his hands, smiling. "Good morning," he sang.
Gu Hai was handcuffed to the bed once more, one hand and one foot. He looked down at himself and then back up at his wife. "You know, this is how I was going to leave you this morning," Gu Hai confessed. He sighed heavily and it was his turn to look helpless.
"You know, Gu Hai, this is our problem. You go too far," he said pointing a finger at him, "and I do just enough damage to make myself happy. I'm going to leave you here for the rest of the day. We are going to the mall." He turned to leave, thought of something, turned back to his husband, and finished with, "Don't worry, I'll tell everyone you're not feeling well this morning."
Gu Hai watched him leave. He sighed again. He chuckled. He deserved being tied up, again. Only for Bai LuoYin was he weak. He would have left Bai LuoYin tied to the bed for the entire day, but, his heart was weak when it came to him. No matter how hard he tried, Bai LuoYin would always win in his eyes. He may be the one who always gets the best revenge, but when it came to the love of his life, he would choose to lose to him time and time again. He could never see him suffer, in any way. The silly games they played with one another kept their love and sex life aflame, and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
He laughed out loud. He let the sound travel throughout the room and it filled his spirit with joy. He threw his head back and laughed until his stomach hurt. Shit, he thought, he was hungry.

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now