Chapter 2 (Archive)

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Abigail reached the top of the hill to the farm she and Mr.Finch run. She toke a breath and looked at Sam who is next to her. She heard her guardian coming near, quickly hiding the now purple glowing egg behind a log. "Good morning Abigail" Mr. Finch spoke in a calm tone through his raspy voice. "Morning Mr.Finch, Sam and I went hunting and would've come back with fresh kill if someone didn't disturb the environment." Sam whined at that statement, having hearing it from across the farm. "You didn't need to go hunting this morning Abigail, there's a bag full of food I got last night from the market in eathera, but did you atlest harvest the sugarcane before you left?" Mr. Finch asked. "I-" Abigail turned to the sugarcane, having forgot about it, again. She sighed "I'm sorry Mr. Finch, I'll get it next time, promise." He nodded. "And what was that you were rolling up the hill Abigail?" She paused. "What thing?" She spoke, playing dumb. "Ah. I must've been seeing thing then. Might need to get my eyes checked." He chuckled. Abigail gave a nervous laugh. "Now there's a full harvest needed to be collected before sun down." Abigail gave a nod as Me. Finch turned back to go inside his hut again. Abigail looked at Sam as she picked up the egg, bringing it inside. Once it was in a spot she came back out, looking a Sam who was waiting outside then both steadying to gather the grown crops.


'It's dark and cold here..' Senn thought to himself, trying to get him to stop focusing on the conversation between Thalleous and Osivian. He was forced to listen from having to stay inside the sendarian home with the coming winter. {Can't you just make a run for it?} his shadow asked. 'No. It's way to cold and they would catch me easily.' {Picky.} His shadow scoffed, turning away from Senn. He sighed, moving closer to the fire place to savor more warmth with the blanket around him. His ear twitched at the sound of someone watching. He turned to the doorway, seeing the young sendaris female again, watching and listening. She hid behind the arch immediately once Senn noticed her. 'Strange' he thought to himself. { Do you want to talk to her? Could be worth it in the end. }
'All of your ideas ether leave me in great trouble or close death. I'm not risking it.' He responded to his shadow. { Fine.. } His shadow pouted. Senn flopped onto the floor, snuggling up in the fluffy blanket. His shadow looked at him with some concern from hearing and feeling the thump.
{ You tired or something? } He asked concerningly. 'Yeah. Just want to nap.' Senn closed his eyes, drifting off into his own world.
Thalleous looked over at the caves entrance, having hearing someone. "Someone's watching.."
Ria turned around to go back to her cave, but was meet with Ky'Thalleous infront of her. She yelped, almost falling back. Osivian walked up to them, noticing that Ria, his daughter, had been listening in. "Ria sendaris! Your supposed to be in your room. I believe a strict form of punishment is in order." Osivian yelled, obviously angered by his daughter being out at such a late hour. "Don't worry Osivian, let her be this time. We have another... matter to attend to for now." Thalleous spoke in his calm deep tone. Osivian sighed "I suppose your right Thalleous, but I expect better behavior from you." Ria nodded before she headed back to her room. Thalleous looked at Osivian, noticing he was looking at him with the stern expression he gives when wanting Thalleous to do something. He sighed, knowing what the sendaris father wanted. "I'll make sure she gets to her room." Thalleous spoke, heading off where Ria went.

Thalleous was next to Ria, both heading to Ria's room. Ria was bombarding  the champion questions, her hyper energy never have been burned out once. A certain question caught his attention. "How long are you going to stay?" Ria asked him. "Not long, I'm departing in the morning and I'm being the clanless boy with me to keep an eye on him. But you can't let Osivian know about what I'm about to give you." Ria looked at Thalleous, excitement obvious in her eyes. Thalleous pulled a Mobilium song out of his inventory, handing the song to her. Ria glowed with joy. "It is tradition to gift an ardoni an song at your age." Thalleous spoke. "It is our unique ability to wield these songs. To deny their usage is to deny the very thing that makes us ardoni." Thalleous spoke in a calmer tone. He was always on edge but it seems he had been calmed by visiting Sendaria once more. Ria looked up at him. "Will you teach me how to use it? And can I come along on the journey?" Thalleous chuckled a bit. "Not yet, and you know your father wouldn't let me."Ria made a pouty expression at him. "Why can't I come along?" She asked the champion. "Again, your father would never let me, you know he worry's for you. Now you should go get some rest Ria." He patted her head. She smiled and nodded, going into her room. Thalleous smiled some before heading back to Osivian.


It was morning now, Thalleous and the clanless boy were about to head off on a journey across Ardonia. The sendaris of the settlement have came to wish Ky'Thalleous goodbyes and good lucks. Senn was already on the horse, waiting for the champion to get on. He sighed quietly, looking away from the crowd. He wasn't excited to explore Ardoni, especially with the last Champion. Senn would look at his shadow who was reading while floating in the air. 'Why are you reading at a time like this?" His shadow looked at him {well I'm bored and it's a good time so} "I'm about to be forced on an adventure with the champion of Ardonia at that." Senn snared at his shadow. {sucks to be your then.} Senn sighed heavily.
Thalleous got onto timber, both him and the horse calm.
"We ride south with all haste."

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