Chapter 1

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He stood in the corner of the room and pretended to be a part of this meeting, though everyone here could feel and tell he wasn't.

Chewing on his lip, trying to cover it up with one hand held against his chin he looked down at the floor as if he was looking for something. You wondered why everyone even seemed to notice that as well, but kind of didn't care about it at all. You were pretty sure that as soon as you'd walk through the doors and leave, they'd all remain some sort of awkward silence. You could only feel that something was different, but all the Jedis around you could probably hear his literal thoughts or something.
Every single time you gave him a tiny glance he stood there in the exact same position.

"She is too old!", shouted a male voice behind you. "And she doesn't know anything about... everything!"

Oh wow.
You see. Politeness isn't really a thing here.
You've discussed the topic titled 'Should we make her a 'Padawan' (whatever this was supposed to be) or not?' for about twenty minutes now and you were slowly but surely getting tired of their inside - joke insults.
They should at least appreciate the fact that you were able to pronounce the word 'Jedi' - that's what they said you are when you woke up in their weird kind of spaceship thing.

"Isn't that a reason more why we should at least let her stay?", a very young and kind - looking woman next to you said.
That might has been the kindest thing anyone here has said about you yet - You liked her.

But regardless of how much you liked her and her argument - it couldn't find a place in this conversation. Everyone was trying to be louder than the other. All of this made you feel extremely uncomfortable and all you wanted to do was leave. Well, you wouldn't even know where to go since you've been kidnapped by some creatures having long pieces of flesh dangling everywhere on their bodies.
You were starting to get hungry and tired. Very tired. So tired that you almost got a heart attack when someone shouted "ENOUGH!" through the room.
You panicked and looked around to see whose voice it was. By the direction everyone was looking you could tell that it was the tall, well - built guy who not seemed to be interested in what was happening here in the first place.

You didn't expect that he had catched up on the content of this discussion, so it took you by surprise when he said "I'll do it", this time in a very calm tone.

"I'll take her.", he added.

"But Anakin-", began the impolite man behind you, but "Anakin" (why do they have such weird names here?) ignored him and continued talking.

"I'll take her. We can't just send her back to her home planet and let her waste the force in her. It's strong. I can feel it. And you all can feel it as well, which is why I don't understand why you keep denying it and insist to send her back to a place where she can't use it. Did you honestly expect her to have our knowledge only two hours after she's set a foot in this room - no, on this planet?! The natives on her home planet called 'Earth' still believe to be the only intelligent creatures in this galaxy. It isn't too late. We can't waste her. Trust me."

You were shooked, and even a bit flattered to be honest. He's said everything that's been on your mind this whole time. You hoped he actually shared your thoughts and didn't just read them out loud.

No one in the room said a word after his little speech. The awkward silence you expected to settle in was so discomforting. You felt even more out of place than you did before. Carefully you turned around a bit to see what Anakin was doing, but as soon as you realized that he wasn't standing in the position he's been in before but that he looked you directly in the eyes - deep, harsh and unbelievably intimidating - you turned around again and immediately felt the blood rushing to your face.

What the hell was that? Looking at you as if he was going to kill you is a bit weird after blazing around that he was "making you his Padawan", right?
You felt like you couldn't breathe. You started to move around your toes in your shoes, becoming more nervous with each second of this silence continuing. How could they stay quiet for such a long time? But maybe it just felt like it was a long time because you could still feel Anakin standing somewhere behind you. Was it possible they communicated in ways you had no clue about? You didn't move a muscle, scared of anything that might happen in the next seconds. This was worse than a class test you didn't study for.

"Anakin". Finally. Someone said something. You slowly turned around again, trying not to look in your possible future murdurers' direction or eyes. It was a small, green, and old looking creature that spoke.

"Are you sure?", the creature said softly. You still avoided looking at Anakin, but you felt that he was now looking directly at the Small Green's eyes.
"I am." You heard his voice saying.

A few more seconds of silence followed, before the unsympathetic man behind you stood up. "Fine", he grumbled.
That must have been the signal allowing everyone to stand up as well and leave the room. Even Anakin did - with a rapid pace he swept to the door and rushed down the hallway. You looked after him, trying to figure him out and why he was behaving like this, when the green thing appeared in front of you. You looked at it, trying to express your feelings at this moment through your glance.

"Y/n.", it said. "Master Yoda, I am."
Why was it talking like that?

"Apologize I do for this confusion to experience you have. Understand, you will."

And with these words the green grandpa left you feeling as puzzled as you did from the beginning.

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