4.5. "A strong emotion"

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Bakugou never really understood why he was so angry. Of course, he knew that anger was one of the main emotions humans felt, but for him, it was different.

It was as if he had a fire in his soul that grew larger and larger until it was pleased, it scared him sometimes.

In fact, he wasn't "scared sometimes" he was absolutely terrified of the anger that would take over his mind most of the time.

Bakugou also absolutely hated when he yelled at his "friends." The way they would frown when he would yell too loud or even at times when they would just leave to let him cool off.

He didn't want to be aloneー though, he never was.


Last time, he had covered it. Next time, would he able to?


"Hey! Bakugou!" Kirishima shouted from across the hall. 

They had just finished taking the fire out (which was started by Denki's electricity mixing with Mina's acid and causing a huge chemical reaction, setting the cookbook on fire), and Bakugou just wanted peace.

But against his wish, the redhead scrambled to catch up to his grumpy friend who had barely slowed to a fast walk. 

The blond sighed, but Kirishima just chuckled. He was used to the guy's standoffish nature. They all were.

"What do you want shitty hair?"

"I keep telling you, our hair isn't even that different!"

Bakugou scoffed, secretly enjoying the banter they've come to replay over and over again. He slowly let him self drift away as his so called "friends" joined, and started bickering with each other, eventually reaching the "Main Room", where most of the students spent their time in.

Everything was going fine, and he was actually enjoying the moment until Mina suddenly put her arm on the back of Bakugou's neck, even after the incident that had happened a few days back.

Bakugou reacted instantly, and Mina received a faceful of explosion.



"What the fuck!?"

"Holy shit! What the fuck?"

The room erupted into chaos, Mina was on the floor, somehow not hurt, Kaminari was holding her, and Sero and Kirishima was looking at him in shock.

"Shit!" Bakugou backed away hastily. "I didn't - what the hell- Mina- I- Racoon E- Don't-"

"Bakugou, what the hell!?" Uraraka yelled, confused and angry at him for hurting her friend.

"FUCK! I didn't fucking mean to!"

"What do you mean you didn-"

"M'okay," Mina suddenly spoke, as reassuringly as possible. 

"I just started him, that's all! Sorry bout that Blasty- And next time, don't explode my face! You cant ruin my perfect face like that!"

And just like that, the tension was broken. 

Everyone was laughing at Minas sappy and cringy "come back" and went back to what they were doing. 

Except for Bakugou.

He had hurt his friends. Again. He really was a monster, wasn't he?

He slowly looked at his hands, which caused the damage.

And suddenly, he felt sick.

"I promise"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora