chapter two: an awkward walk

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When everyone had finished getting ready, we got ready to leave but as we walked out of the door, we saw a tallish dark figure, we all squinted to try and work out who it was once I had realised who it was, I screamed.


"no, it's no-, wait. IT IS!" George shouted.

"HEY LEE" me, George and Fred yelled in unison.

We all started running towards lee and once we reached him, we pulled him into a tight group hug.

"say, lee why is you all the way out here in the field?" I questioned.

"Well, I tried to apparate to the burrow but scuffed it up a bit." Lee replied.

We all burst out into hysteric laughter.

Id missed this, id missed spending time with my two favourite gingers and my favourite stylish quidditch commentator. But I was finally with them again and I was amazing.

We were stopped in the middle of our laughter by Arthur calling us.

"we need to go seriously!"

Once we got back to the others, we started walking me, lee, Fred and George walked in a line chatting and giggling to one and other. The whole time I was looking at Fred practically gaping at him in all his glory.

"god" I sighed.

"did you say something, y/n?" lee teased know exactly what I was saying it too and who it was about.

"err-erm nothing, my legs are just tired." I confirmed.

"well y/n I mean I could give you a piggyback, you know like the good ole days." Fred suggested.

I felt my face grow red.

"t-thanks Freddie but I'm okay for now, ill let you know if I get too tired".

I wasn't sure why I was thinking like this we'd always been friends and I'd never thought of him as more than a friend plus he'd never think of me as any more than a friend.

{Time skip} about an hour later

We had been walking for what felt like an eternity then we suddenly came across a man, he introduced himself.

'Arthur, my dear friend, how are you? What a large group you have with you, hello everyone my names Amos Diggory and this is my son Cerdric".

and with that a rather tall dashing boy jumped out of the tree above us. I was quite frightened to be honest but as I was about to shake his hand instead, he took my hand a kissed it, he held eye contact the whole time too.

I looked over at Fred who was glaring at cedric whereas lee was really excited, I reckon it's because I'd never had a boyfriend in my entire life and lee had gotten excited that fact that Cedric was flirting with me. Hermione and ginny where gazing at him mouths open, basically drooling

We continued walking and Cedric came up to me and swung his arm around my shoulder.

"so, what's you name lovely?" he questioned.

"its um y/n, y/n Lupin" I answered shyly.

"you have a beautiful name and you a Lupin as in Remus lupins your father?"

"yes, he is, don't worry I don't have the wolf gene, I don't bite" I chuckled.

Then I saw Fred get very upset he decided he'd had enough of Cedric's flirting, so he came up next to me pushed Cedric's arm off from my shoulder and put his arm around me. I was very shocked by this and I started to nervously chuckle.

We got interrupted by Arthur shouting.

"right, we're here, everyone gathers round and hold on".

"a dirty old boot?" harry was puzzled.

"JUST GRAB ON" we all shouted at him.

Once everyone was holding on the boot started spinning. I got so dizzy but in about 20 seconds Arthur shouted.


"YOU WHAT?" I shouted back.


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