The Dance

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Flynn was djing the whole evening at the dance, while they waited for the phantoms to show up. That was until Nick came onto the stage after talking to Julie and announced: "We fixed the hologram thing! Who wants to see a show?" The crowd started cheering which caused the boy holding the mic to shout: "Now give it up for Julie and the Phantoms!"

The crowd freaked out while Flynn stared backstage to her best friend, she knew that the boys werent there. How would they explain this?

Julie awkwardly walked on to the stage and began to ramble about how she couldnt perform, because of wi-fi problems the guys were having. "Im sorry, but Im gonna have to cancel", she ended.

At that moment Carrie walked onto the stage, remarking: "does anybody know the Heimlich? Julies chocking" The crowd started laughing and Flynn felt her anger rising. Demon, she thought. Carrie the strutted closer to the girls saying, "only one way to save this Dance"

"Who wants to see Dirty candy?", she then asked the crowd, which responded with cheers. This was to much for Flynn without a second thought she broke off a know from the setup, right as Carrie reached for it. Their hands were touching in the prosses which didnt matter to the then, but they would be thinking about that moment later. "Oh! Oops! Knobs broken"; Flynn exclaimed earning a shocked reaction from the crowd. Carrie was almost impressed but being herself she had a trick up her sleeve. "Ok. Two can play at this game", she told Flynn, before turning to the crowd and shouting, "Party at my house!" Then the crowd erupted in cheering and laughter.

Carrie dropped the microphone she was holding. Flynn gasped thinking who does she think she is with her stupid jean top, that dumb fur coat and that stupid little purse. Carrie then got off the stage holding Nicks hand and waving with her other on in triumph. Flynn went on to comfort and crack jokes with Julie for the rest of the night despite still being really mad at the boys and Carrie.

After Flynn went out to get ice-cream from the cafeteria, she heard someone running in there too. As she turned around it was Julie slightly sobbing. "Omg Jules, are you okay?", Flynn called out. Julie wiped her tears away and ranted, "The guys just got here with some stupid excuse and the worst thing is they missed the dance for getting back at Carries dad after I told them not to" "Sorry, that happened to you Jules", Flynn said, "Now lets see who can carry more ice-cream to your dads car!" "My dads car?", Julie asked. "Yeah, hes driving us to get your stuff and then to my house. I texted him when I went here", Flynn informed her best friend. "Now lets go!", she said grabbing as much ice-cream as she could carry and ran toward the exit. Julie followed her happier and now with just as much ice-cream.

When they arrived at Flynns house, they quickly shouted that Julie was sleeping over and getting an even quicker "just dont be too loud, you have until one" from her moms office. "Promise", Flynn yelled back as her and Julie ran up the stairs. . Upstairs unpacked Julies stuff and got settled on Flynns bed with the ice cream. "I'm never gonna show my face at school again. Boys are so stupid", Julie complained. "Yes", Flynn groaned, "and girls like Carrie too" "Yeah, why cant she just be nice for once", Julie agreed. "I dont know", Flynn said, "how about we get our minds off of them and watch a movie" "Tangled?", Julie asked. "Tangled.", Flynn answered. And so, they watched Tangled and ate ice cream for the rest of the night.

Flynn woke up before Julie and got ready, she figured her mom would just wake up Julie and if not, she could always say that she took Julies statement about never going to school again litterally. She quickly ate some cereal and took the bus to school.

A mostly Flarrie Story (finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora