You bake something for them

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Of course he grabbed two at once. You told him he doesn't even know if he will like it, he chuckled and said you made them so of course he will like them, no, love them. He kept a few for when he gets hungry while reaching the next safe room.


She let out an impressed "wow" before telling you it looks delicious, asking with a little excitement in her voice if she can have one. You chuckled and said of course, so she was quick to grab one and eat it, letting out a satisfied "mmh" before saying this is the best food she has had in weeks. Once she finished it, she gave your cheek a kiss and thanked you.


He let out a gasp of amazement when you held it to him before he asked if that's for him, begging in his mind that it is because it looks so good. You gave him a nod so he was quick to snatch it and devour it, speaking with his mouth full about how good it is and that he wants another one.


He was just confused as to where you found all these things to make this dessert. You assured him it's safe to eat. He sighed, eyeing the food, but still took a bite and ate it. As he chewed it, he was quite shocked by how delicious it was, wondering if this is because he hasn't eaten anything good in so many days due to all the chaos so he held a thumb up, trying his best to swallow as quickly as he could so he could tell you it's very good.

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