"Not funny Remi, because of that I'm not acting as your big brother like I do the rest of these fools. You're cut off after that one." He said, giving her a stern look. She laughed.

     "Jokes on you, I was done after this one anyways." She replied.

     Wilbur rolled his eyes and went back to watching the game the others were playing.

     A few hours later everyone was tired, so they decided to call it early this time to wake up at a decent hour to walk around town.

     "Hey Rem, I'm sleeping with Alex again. He's more fun in bed than you are." Nick said, pointing over to Alex.

     "OI MAN, don't expose us like that to the lady, that's for us to know and them to wonder." Alex replied, laughing.

     "Dude, I didn't mean it like that, shut the fuck up, stupid bitch." Nick said, rolling his eyes. Alex laughed again and headed upstairs with Nick.

     "Do you care if you sleep with me again? I know you weren't really sober last night, so I can sleep on the couch if you want." Karl said, speaking fast.

     "Karl, shut up, let's go get ready for bed." Remi said in reply, taking his hand and leading him upstairs. She grabbed her bag and headed into his bathroom. She first got changed into sweats and a Nike bra, putting her hair in a messy bun. She then brushed her teeth and moisturized her face. She opened the bathroom door and saw Karl already laying in bed on his phone.

     She climbed in next to him, pulling the blanket over the both of them.

     "Hey, are you tired." He asked. She shook her head.

     "Not really, are you?" She asked. He also shook his head in reply, opening up Tik Tok. He started to scroll through the videos, so Remi opened up Twitter. She decided to post a picture she took of Nick and Alex playing Mario Kart together.

*1 image attached*

RemsWorld: They wouldn't let me play with them, Twitter, do yo thang and cancel them😌

*Tagged Quackity and Sapnap*

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Sapnap: Dude shut up the fuck up you're garbage anyways

Quackity: i forgot where the askers went

user01: Shes hanging with the rest of the crew now? What a whore.

user04: @ user01 i forgot girls can't have friends.

KarlJacobs: I'll play with you anyday : )

     She looked over at Karl who was smiling at her, and patted his chest. She scooted over a bit and laid her head on his chest, throwing a leg over him. This is what she needed. She has been touched starved for so long. This was all she wanted.

     The both of them opened Tik Tok, and would stop to show each other the funny or weird ones. About 15 minutes later, Karl came across one, and Remi was looking at his phone. It read "Ayo if you could kiss one person in the world, who would it be. Bet you won't tag them." Karl's mind was racing quickly. He didn't know what to do, but acted on impulses. Once she knew Remi was done reading it because she let out a giggle, he sat up. Remi had to sit up with him because of the position she was in.

     He looked into her eyes, holding up his phone. She glanced at it once more to see the same Tik Tok playing.

     "I don't need to tag anyone, my tag is right in front of me." He put his hand on the back of Remi's neck and slowly pulled her in, kissing her lips. A rush of serotonin wizzed through her body. She's never been this nervous and excited before.

     A few seconds later, Karl pulled back and started spitting out words quickly.

     "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I just thought it was a good time because I saw that video and I really like you and oh my god I'm so," Remi cut him off by pecking him on the lips. She looked him in the eyes.

     "Karl. Stop. I thought you would've known by now I like you too. Don't ever worry about doing something like that. I promise."

     He sighed in relief and they both laid back down, Remi's head on his chest once more. She shut off her phone and placed it next to her on the bed. Karl did the same, but set an alarm for the both of them so they would wake up on time.

     "Goodnight beautiful, thank you for not freaking out." Karl said. She laughed.

     "Goodnight handsome. Thank you for making the first official move." He laughed and placed a kiss upon her head, and they both drifted off into sleep, bodies close together.


AYOO longest chapter yet. hope y'all enjoyed, don't forget to vote!

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