Marry?! (Quackity's POV)

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I stepped back, a little startled. Y/N was obviously irritated. She turned around and picked up a book. Oh god nonono- I screamed "I'M SORRY- I'M SORRY- Y/N- Y/N PLEASE!" I ran to the other side of the room, tripping over a shoe on the floor. She chased after me with the book. She threw it at me, and it hit my lower back.

"OWWW!! MAMA L/N HELP! HELP SHES TRYING TO KILL ME!!! Y/N- Y/N!" I continued to yell in pain as she threw herself on top of me violently tickling my sides. "HAH-HELP-OW-I CAN'T BREATHE-Y/N- HAHA-" I managed to grab her and flip over, the tables had been turned. "HEY-" She yelled "GET OFF ME YOU-"

She was interrupted by her brother entering her room. "Can you two shut the fuck u-" B/N looked at us and covered his eyes. "B/N knock you fucking- What are you doing?"

"Sorry Y/N, Q, didn't mean to interrupt" He responded. Y/N gagged loudly "EW EW EW- B/N WHAT THE FUCK?!" I bursted into uncomfortable laughter. "THAT'S GROSS- Q get your fat ass off me" she stood briskly and slammed the door in his face. She turned around, beet red. I smiled, her brother had just given me the best opportunity for my greatest joke.

I beckoned her over. She glared at me "What are you doing?"

I stifled a laugh and stood up. "I'm- no, don't play with me like that you dick"

I held my hands up. "No jokes here, sweetheart." her eyes widened at sweetheart, and her face got impossibly redder. "What did you just call me?" She stepped forward to meet my eyes. Y/N was the same height as me, if not a teeny bit shorter.

I cupped her face with my hand. "Sweetheart" I repeated awkwardly. I thought this was funny at first, but things got serious very quickly.

I looked away anxiously. Was this a joke? Was it? Or was this feelings I'd been keeping to myself?

She took the hand that was on her cheek and brought it to her lips, giving my index finger a gentle peck. I felt my face heat up hella quickly. "What are you-" the door opened again, it was Y/N's mom. "I got Pizza Rolls!"

We looked to each other and smiled. "Thanks Mrs. L/N" I took the plate from her hands. "Baby, how many times do I have to tell you? Just call me Ma, all of N/N's friends call me that. Mrs. L/N makes me feel hella old" She chuckled, patting my shoulder. "Y/N, why don't you ever bring home nice boys like Q here? Honestly I watch you get heartbroken by these tic-tac dicked assholes when there's a perfect man right here" She... jokes? I'm not sure.

"Mom, you say this every time Q leaves." Y/N shook her head, covering her face with her hands. I felt my cheeks go bright red, I knew her mom liked me but I didn't realise she wanted us to date- Who am I kidding, of course she wants me to date her daughter.


Because I'm Quackity, meaning "I'm the coolest motherfucker ever." I hadn't realised I mumbled the last part until Y/N scoffed.

"Hey hot shit, quit chadding out." She jokingly punched my arm.

I snapped back to reality to hear a chuckle from Ma. "You're such a cutie, Quackie" she beamed, approaching and kissing my forehead. "I can't wait until you marry my little Y/N"

"MARRY?!" Y/N roared.

"Marry?!" I repeated. Now she's just planting ideas into my head.

And boy, did that idea stick.

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