The Beginning (1)

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     The first performance of the night was incredible. Blake and Celo Green were fighting for the singers vote, and they were desperate. Blake looks over at Celo and yells,
"she's mine!!" As he turned to look at Celo he caught a glimpse of Pharrell in his jet black fedora. Blake's heart pumped and he quickly turned away. Pharrell noticed and blushed. The singer eventually went to Celo's team after a good 5 minutes of debating. There was a break in production and the celebrities went to the back room to relax. Blake was very heartbroken and all the judges including Celo were trying to make him feel better.
"Thanks guy for making me feel all better," Blake said in his thick sexy southern accent. Pharrell couldn't control himself when he hears Blake's accent so he strolled off to the bathroom glimpsing at Blake the whole time. Blake noticed and shortly after announced he had to use the restroom and walked off to meet up with Pharrell...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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