"Okay thank you so much" I smiled and sat up.

I grabbed my bag and phone. I walked out and I looked towards where Jahseh was sitting when I left and he wasn't there. I looked around and saw him in the corner playing with the kid toys.

"Jahseh what are you doing" I laughed

"I got bored ok, can we go now?" He laughed

"Yes baby we can leave" I smiled

He got up and walked over to me grabbing my hand. We walked to the car and he opened my door for me. I got in and put my bag on the fall. He got in the car and started it up.

"So how did it go because that was really fast" he said

"It was pretty good I guess I felt when he sucked the blood out of my arm and it felt gross" I said

"Ew that sounds gross" he laughed

"It was bruh and he said when he sends the message to let our moms open it to find the gender out" I said

"Well yeah that's the plan" he said

I smiled and he took off.

A few days later

I had just gotten out of bed and I was in the bathroom when I here Jah squealing like a child.

"KALANI!" he squealed

"WHAT" I laughed


"What really!" I rushed out of the bathroom and over to the bed

"Yes look "BROWARD MATERNITY WARD" right there!" He read the name

"Okay let's go now!" I said

He looked my up and down funny.

"What?" I asked

"Your naked" he smiled

"Well we did have sex last night and you basically fucked me asleep so I didn't get dressed" I rolled my eyes

"True we put a hoodie on and some panties and shorts because we are leaving" he said

I smiled and went to the closet. I realised that it was still a complete mess but oh well our maid can clean that. I picked up one of Jahsehs black hoodies and out on and I grabbed my panties. I slid them on and then I grabbed Jahsehs Nike shorts. I love stealing his clothes.

"Umm your wearing my clothes" he smiled

"I know and let's go" I smiled

"But baby still do be looking like a whole ass snack" he giggled

"Thanks and you can eat me if you want" I smiled and ran downstairs

"Hey wait for me!" He laughed and ran after me

I got to the garage and quickly got in his car. He opened his door and laughed.

"Baby you missed it I fell down the last stair it was so funny" he laughed

"Oh damn you good" I smiled

"Yeah I am fine it was one stair because I was chasing your fine ass" he smiled

"Teaches you a lesson" I smiled

"How" he smiled

"Don't always chase your food" I smiled

At Cleos house

We walked inside and I saw Aiden chilling on the couch playing Minecraft.

"Hey Aiden" I smiled

"LANI!" he got up and ran to me hugging me

"How are you" I smiled

"Good where's the bump" he lifted my shirt up and looked up

I quickly pulled my hoodie down because I didn't have a bra on.

"AIDEN" I giggled

"I saw your boobies" he giggled and ran away

"That little pedo" Jah laughed

"Where is your mom?" I asked

"Here!" She called out

We walked into the kitchen and she was washing dishes.

"Hey mom" jah smiled

"Hey baby, hey Lani" she smiled

"We have the gender we just need you to open the message and plan something for us" Jahseh said

"Wait you want me to plan a gender reveal?" She said

"Yes we do so when you open the message for us don't tell anyone except for Kalanis mom because we want you two to plan the party together" Jah said

"Ok show me the message" she smiled

I opened my phone and went to messages I handed it to Cleo and she pressed the message.

"OH MY GODDD YAYYY LETS GO" she yelled and jumped up and down

"That must me good" I smiled

"Apparently" Jah laughed

"Okay you two leave now imma plan it right now call your mom and tell her to get her ass over to help me." Cleo said

She handed me the phone and I rang my mom.

"Mom you need to go to Cleos right now she knows the gender and she is going to tel you but you gotta help her plan the gender reveal so come over now Jahseh and I have to leave" I said

"Okay baby I am walking across now and get out because this is private business now!" My mom laughed

"Okay we are leaving, BYE CLEO" I yelled

"Bye" Cleo yelled

We left and went home.

"I am nervous" I said sitting on the bed

"Me too baby!" Jah smiled


1458 words

Sorry I haven't been on for a while I have school again so I am going to post tomorrow maybe since tomorrow is Sunday for me. But the gender reveal will be tomorrow!

Also what the fuck THANK YOU FOR 600 READS! For me that is a lot!


-Georgie x


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