Harry stood up, silencing everyone. "This meeting was about finding common ground in Umbridge's failure to teach, and about finding a way to undo the damage. Instead, you saw a chance to corner me with enough people to force me to talk." Harry compared facing this bunch with facing Voldemort. A snort escaped him. "You disgust me."

"We have a right to know," Ginny said.

Shaking his head, Harry looked disappointed at her. "Really, you think you're entitled to the details?"

Ginny nodded. Several others copied her action.

"Perhaps I should," Harry said while staring intently at Ginny, making her squirm in her seat. "I guess I should start at the beginning; no, not when Voldemort murdered my parents. When I learned his real name: second year. Why, Ginny, I could tell that story so vividly that it would seem as if you were there yourself."

Ginny's freckles appeared to jump from her face due to her pale complexion.

"You –" Ron tried to speak up, but he found himself silenced by the twins.

"But, I won't," Harry said before the twins could turn on him. "Despite what you may think, it's not your business. It's mine and whomever I decide to trust, which certainly won't be any of you." Harry started making his way outside the silent pub. "Thank you for dragging all those memories up again. Lovely, really. Goodbye."


"Harry – wait – wait up!"

Harry had made it halfway to the castle at his leisurely pace before he heard Hermione's voice. "Hmm?"

She stopped next to him, breathing heavily. "I'm so – sorry – about –"

"It's not your fault," Harry interrupted her. "Besides, I noticed your eyes attempting to vaporise Zacharias. I was rooting for them. Think such a spell exists?" Since she was still recovering from catching up with him, he couldn't figure out whether this was her I-don't-know-but-will-find-out or don't-be-an-idiot expression. "Besides ... I expected that."

"You – what?"

"I've had too much experience with the student population's scorn, Hermione. Second year and fourth year come to mind. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but there was almost no chance of them not questioning me." He frowned at her. "Do you think that's why people give second chances but not third chances; if they make the mistake twice then they'll keep repeating it over-and-over again so it's not worth the trouble?"

"Probably," she answered before she could stop herself. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it was an excellent idea and I would've enjoyed annoying Umbridge behind her back. But ... I couldn't let them walk over me, not again, not even to piss off Umbridge." Harry looked around. "Where's Ron?"

Hermione closed her coat when a harsh wind hit them, giving her time to form a response. "After you left, your two questioners stormed out too. The others started arguing about still needing a decent teacher. Someone pointed out Ron and I knew everything you knew, so ... I left, Ron didn't. Last I saw, the twins were keeping him silent about the details."

"They'll be in for a rough awakening," Harry said, startling Hermione. "It's like you said before, people don't know what it's like to face him; not even you or Ron. Some things – some things I really don't like to talk about."

The sound of chatter became louder, signalling that other students were making their way towards the castle. Hermione wasn't willing to postpone their discussion, so she grabbed Harry's hand before tugging him along to keep their head start. She squeezed his hand gently.

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