The face, the damage in the chest and legs. You couldn't help but feel up the rabbit's chest, Feeling the crusted fur give away under the pressure from your fingers. Fuck, this thing needed a bath. You looked back up at the head before noticing the large teeth. Those could probably break something. With that, you dug around the parts box, looking for something to keep his teeth from biting off your head. Moving a large Robot head away, you find something. It was the old muzzle they had put on foxy when the bite happened... that damn fox went feral and had to be put down... as in shut down.

Poor thing... you shook your head and put the muzzle onto the rabbit. The muzzle began slowly changing to the shape of the rabbit's muzzle. With that, you sighed and sat down on the desk. You were watching and waiting for the rabbit to wake.

An hour had passed, and it didn't wake. Did you break it? Damn... you slowly got off the table and approached it. Looking around the rabbit, "did I kill you or something?" You whispered. You leaned over the rabbit to get a good look. You feel the rabbit's cheek and gaze into the half-lidded eyes. "Helloo?" You softly call out. You groan before getting off the rabbit and going back to the table, and grabbing your sketchbook.

You began sketching the rabbit's whole body. Drawing every detail you could find and even a close upon his face. Drawing those piercing white eyes on paper looked a bit more disturbing. The longer you sat there and stared, the more uncomfortable you became. Now getting off the table, you sat in front of the rabbit... Waiting and waiting for God knows how long...

A twitch. You look up from a small nap you had and see the rabbit's ear twitch. Fear burst in you, and you quickly got up and grabbed the crowbar just in case. The rabbit's eyes slowly flutter open, and their head lifts. He was staring at you. The rabbit noticed their state and let out a slight hiss.

"Don't give me that." You hissed back. Lifting the crowbar above your head. Recoiling back, the rabbit looked down in submission. "Good. Now I'm going to take off the muzzle. But if you try anything?! I will put this crowbar up your metal ass!" You yelled out at the rabbit.

The rabbit slowly nodded, letting his ears fall back. You went to work on the muzzle. Slowly loosening it... your body didn't want to. Your body was horrified by this thing. It could bite off your hand with no hesitation! But your mind wanted to know more.

Do you know what they say? Curiosity killed the cat.

The muzzle dropped onto his lap and then rolled onto the ground between his feet. You quickly took a few steps back "good... now. Who are you? And what are you?" Hissing loudly, the rabbit opened their jaws from the tight squeeze from the muzzle. A raspy voice came out, "Springtrap." The rabbit answered. You looked at the rabbit up and down one more time "alright, Springtrap... what are you?"

The rabbit cocked his head to the side. A mean look on his face "a rabbit who wished a woman didn't beat them! Ladies aren't supposed to be mean!" they hissed. With anger, you raised the crowbar again, making the rabbit flinch and draw his head back, closing his eyes and ears dropping behind his head. You felt powerful with such control over a seven-foot rabbit monster.

The rabbit let out a glitchy growl before struggling out of his restraints. He must have been angry about that threat. With that, you gasp and raise the crowbar and go to swing it at the rabbit. But it was caught by his large paw that tore free from the wires. Fear ran down your body, Now feeling cold as you looked into the eyes of this rabbit. Those white, piercing, cold eyes.

Springtrap pulled the crowbar from your grasp and laughed. "Don't be like that~ where did my sassy little BITCH GO?!" he snarled. You stumbled back and let out a cry for help that rang throughout the hallways. But nobody came... you stare in horror at the rabbit. Feeling yourself give in and break down.

Springtrap X Female reader SMUTWhere stories live. Discover now