Let the games begin

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"Oh your gonna regret that."

Dazai picked up the nearest pillow chasing Chuuya around the apartment. The redhead laughed dodging his throws and picking up the other pillows. Dazai burst out laughing and jumped behind the couch trying to hide from Chuuya's quick tosses. The brunette grabbed all of the pillows next to him and threw them at the ginger. Chuuya caught them with his ability and ran towards the taller figure. He was running so fast he tripped over one of the legs on the table. He stumbled onto Dazai causing both of them to fall.

"I- uhm, s-sorry." Chuuya's face heated up and he didn't want to look at the brunette. Dazai smiled at the smaller figure in his lap. He lifted the redheads chin to make his azure eyes meet his own chestnut orbs.

"I love you Chuuya." Chuuya's eyes widened looking at the man in front of him.

"Dazai, I-" He couldn't help but stutter, and felt a warm arm wrap around his waist.

"I always have loved you, and I'll never stop loving you."

His voice was soft, and he pulled the smaller figure towards him. Chuuya's eyes started to swell up with tears and there was a lump in his throat. Dazai cupped the gingers cheek bringing his face closer to his own.

"Dazai, I lo-" The two were interrupted by Chuuya's phone going off. Chuuya jumped off of his lap grabbing his phone. Dazai silently cursed to himself of the shitty timing, but he knew what the phone call was about.


"Chuuya, it's Mori." Chuuya immediately stood up regaining composure.


"Chuuya we have found out Fyodor's location, and we need you and Osamu to come to the location I'm going to text to you. He is somewhere in that area and we need him to be secured."

The redhead turned to look at Dazai and gave a slight nod. The brunette returned the gesture quickly running into the bedroom changing into his normal attire.

"Yes sir we understand." And with that Mori ended the call and texted the two men the location.

In about ten minutes both men arrived at the designated location. It was in the outskirts of Yokohama with many many alleyways. Kouyou and the black lizard met up with both of them waiting for the agency. Not to long after Akutagawa arrived with some of the agency members, and Ranpo was put in charge of splitting everyone up.

"Chuuya, you and Kunikida will take the old coffee shop and back roads." Both men nodded quickly heading towards there assigned place.

"Atsushi, you and Akutagawa will watch over the main front exit and check the abandoned apartments." The young males nodded running towards where Ranpo had told them to go.

"The black lizard, I need you to watch the south exit." The three members nodded.

"Kouyou, you and Yosano will head to the abounded homes, and hotel. Check every room, every closet, check everywhere." The women nodded running towards the old buildings.

"President, you, Mori, and Tanazaki will head to the old shopping market. Kenji, and I will watch the west exit and will call if we notice anything suspicious."

"And Dazai can you check the old abounded ally ways? I feel you would be able to notice anything suspicious about Fyodor's actions." Dazai nodded striding over to the abandoned alleyways.

It was dark and the winter breeze sure wasn't helping how cold it was outside. The phones everyone was given were going off, of people saying there was no sign of Fyodor. Everyone had been out for about six hours and were giving up hope on finding him. Osamu knew he was playing a game looked at the old abandoned sign.

Why did you leave me?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz