Chapter two

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As we left the restaurant we became part of the crowd, I tried to keep my tail hidden, but that was impossible. After a while we came to a large building that said The Summer Hotel, and Esteban led me inside. The inside was magnificent, High ceilings with gold everywhere, and chandeliers hanging where there wasn't enough light. The counter took up the whole back wall, and there were two elevators. Bellhops ran all around clearly trying to be at each place at the exact right time. When we reached the counter, the person working it gave me a dirty look. Then addressing Esteban, said "May I help you two?" "Yes, we would like the suit," Esteban said with perfection, even though she was giving us a dirty look. "That will be $90 per night." She said holding out her hand, then Esteban handed her a very fancy looking credit card, paying for more than just one night. She looked at it then at us, and she pointed to the elevator on the right and said, "Floor 20, here is your key," Esteban handed me the key, and pulled me into the elevator. I hit the 20 button, and then waited. As we started to ascend I spoke "So..." "So?" he said looking at me. "I think that we need to go back to the lab." I say "It holds all of the information, and I think that I could get my file, and maybe learn more about this-" "No." He interrupts me. "But-" I say. "You are not going back there, do you have any idea how dangerous it is?" he says, worry fills his eyes. "No, but-" I say, but once again I get interrupted. "No one is going to go back there. Especially not you," He explained, but I am not listening, "No, I want to know what this is, and what the situation is. I want to know, and if in order to know I have to risk my life, then so be it." I say walking off the elevator, because we have reached our floor. The suit is indescribable, The walls are lined with bookshelves, full of books with a big cushy chair, and a couch on the other wall, and there are at least four different doors, I walk into the first of the rooms, and find a dining table and a huge window that looks out onto a beautiful city, when I go into the second room I find a beautiful bed with a canopy, and a dresser, in the third room I find a office where there is a deep mahogany desk with a matching set of chairs, another set of bookshelves lines one of the walls, with another window looking out onto the ocean. This was my favorite room in the whole suit. I have only been to the ocean once, and it was the best time ever. "It is a wonderful view, huh?" I jumped at his voice, I kind of forgot that he was here. "Yeah, I guess," I mutter. "Please don't still be mad," he whispers just behind me, I shiver. "I am not," I say, "Okay, good." he shifts his position and now he is standing beside me, and we are both staring out at the ocean.

The hot water runs down my face and my back. It feels so good to shower, as I wash my hair I think about the argument we had. He just wants me to be safe, that's all, I sigh and turn off the water. I step out of the shower and am hit by a memory, or a dream, I was stepping out of a shower box after someone sprayed me down good, and then I was shoved into a room with a locked door. I come back to the present, and I realize, that was a memory of when I was at the facility. I wrap two towels around me and then walk out, Esteban had arrived moments earlier with clothes and food, I grab a set of sweats, and head for the bathroom again, "Are you okay, you look like you just saw a ghost," he says. "Um, I'll tell you later." I say and then close the bathroom door. And then I saw my reflection, and gasped. I looked like me, but also didn't. I had raccoon ears, and dark brown hair, I used to have blonde hair, and regular ears, but I also had brown eyes, but now I have blue, but the rest of me is the same, but when I was washing my hair, I didn't feel these ears, I reach up and touch one, it is soft. I hear a knock on the door, "Are you okay Emma?" Esteban's worried voice comes through the door. "Umm... yeah, I just saw my reflection. It scared me, but everything is fine now," I say trying to calm him with my words. "Yeah, okay..." he says. I quickly pull on the sweats, and leave the bathroom. Esteban is standing by the shopping bags, in a daze. "You good?" I say making him jump, "Yeah, I just had a thought, here." He hands me a plastic bag, I look inside and see a lot of clothes, then another memory flashes in my mind. I am in the room that they put me in last time, then someone throws a hard bag at me, I reach to grab it and then open it, and there are clothes inside, "Okay, something is wrong, will you tell me?" Esteban brings me back. I go and sit on the couch, and sit in a daze for a while, "Okay." And I tell him about my "visions" and about how I think that they are related to the lab. "Do you think that if we went back there you would remember everything?" He asks, "Most likey, I also think that I could learn some stuff about this "condition" that I have." I say, happy that I might get answers, but scared for what could be lurking there. I stand up and go over to the counter to call for room service, I am very hungry. "Is there anything that you want from room service?" I ask, "No, I am not hungry" he replies. I called and asked for some soup and bread, only five minutes had passed when there was a knock on the door. Esteban goes to answer it, he is wearing a new uniform that says his name on it, then he calls me over, I hesitantly walk over to the door, then I see a brown paper package with Emma written in sharpie on it. I go and pick it up, then walk back inside and set it on the coffee table. "Should I open it?" I ask hoping that he says no, "Um, well I think that you should figure out who this is from, and how they know where you are." He answers, clearly not able to tell how worried I am. "Okay," I say, my voice coming out a little shaky, I reach for the package, and flip it over, slowly peeling off the tape, then when I open it, I see a walkman and tapes. I didn't know they still made these. I pop the tape in, put the thin plastic headphones on, and hit play. Kimberly's voice comes out. "Hey sis, how's it going?" Her voice is sweet, but serious, "So, I am so sorry that these horrible people did this to you, but this is your life now, I have broken into the facility many times now, and I figured out some pretty messed up things, but I also found out some really handy things. One: Do not eat any meat, you have been physically designed to not eat any meat, and to not kill any animals, Two: if you really relax, your ears and tail disappear." That is why I couldn't feel my ears while I was showering. "Three: If you escape then you will never be safe, they will always be trying to find you. Now for the nasties, there are some major side effects to this, one you will die young, two you can never be a major part of society, three there is no cure to any part of this, and four when you are around too many people then you will automatically hide somewhere." I stop the tape and take off the headphones. Esteban is nowhere to be seen. I decide that I need some fresh air, so I head over to the study, and I am about to walk in when I hear a voice talking on the other side of the door, "Yes, I- okay. I will bring her. In about two days? Yes, commander Jim" I didn't get to hear the rest because I was scared, I quickly scamper away when I hear the door open, then head for the elevator when I see that Esteban has seen me. I hit the G button and see the recognition that I over heard some of the conversation go across his eyes. He runs fast and barely makes it into the elevator, then he pushes me against the door, I grow scared, "How much did you hear?" He asks in a tone I can't recognize, "Enough to know that I am in as much danger with you as I am with those people," I sneer getting angrier, he realises me, "I don't think you realize that we have a shared goal Emma, we both want you to be safe," I hear the elevator ding and I see the door open, Esteban hit the close door button, "I am not going to send you to another place where you will just be hurt again. I had to lie to him, although it breaks the code you have to swear to I just had to do it. I don't want you to be hurt again, I just don't have another option," Esteban isn't looking at me, but I can tell this is a touchy subject for him, I move around him and hit the floor twenty button. We silently move up and when the doors open I move out of them and over to the study. 

I think about what he said as I look out the window and into the ocean. I keep glancing out of the door and see Esteban sitting there staring blankly at a wall. When nighttime finaly comes I go out and sit on the couch, he sees me do thing and lifts an eyebrow, "What are you doing?" He asks, "Well I am tired so I came to the couch," I say getting kinda akward, "Oh, well you should take the room," He says rubbing the back of his neck, "No, no. You have done too much for me I can't take it," I say settling deeper into the couch, he just glances my way before standing up, I smile at him and he gives a weak smile back, I watch him go into the room then shut the door. I smile thinking I have won, then I lay down and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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