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Then his hands hit the table and made a huge bang.

Goerge turned around and looked right at him but didn't see anything.

"It couldn't have been him" He says.

"No Goerge it was me I'm right here" Fred says.

Goerge gets in bed and is staring at the table until he falls asleep.

All week Fred keeps trying to figure out what he did.

When morning comes a week later he hit a breakthrough.

He realized that he had been preparing to feel something in his hands and he put all energy in his arms/hands.

He walked up to the paper and quill and thought as hard as he could about being able to use his hands and went to grab the quill and it................................................................................................


He picked the quill up and started writing.

"Dear Goerge,

I have been watching over you since the moment I died It's torture to be able to see everyone crying over me and being helpless.

*Fred knew Goerge had woken up and was staring at a floating quill and he was now reading "Over his shoulder"*

I saw you put those tattoos on your body and did the same on mine, I have seen Ginny clutching my beaters bat and wearing my jersey sobbing, I've seen Ron crying on Hermione while she was holding his limp body, I've seen Percy crying and blaming himself saying that it was his fault I was dead, which is not true I'm happy I died laughing.

(Goerge yells at everyone to come to his room and they all gather around it)

I see Bill wandering the house every day crying, I see Charlie walking around the garden not taking care of his Dragons.

I have seen mum crying whenever someone tries to crack a joke and dad comforting her and all I can do is watch, remember that bang you heard after you wrote the letter, that was me, I got frustrated and somehow hit the table, I have been trying to figure out how I did it and I finally did, So here is my message to everyone.

Bill, go back to work, and Fluer.

Charlie, go back to Romania and take care of the Dragons again.

Percy, stop blaming yourself, It's NOT your fault.

Ron, leave your room more and start eating like a pig again.

Ginny, get back out and play Quidditch again, and stop crying over my things.

Mom, just stop crying ok.

Dad, start talking about muggle things again, P.S I found out the use of a rubber duck is a child's bath toy.

And my less handsome twin stop moping around and start pranking again.

And to everyone, Please have an open casket for me please.

Love, Fred(the more handsome of the Weasley twins)<3

Everyone was crying and hugging and Fred watched this time a little happier.

He thought about putting all his energy in his hands and pulled them apart.

Then he thought about putting all his energy into his waist up.

He pulled his mum into a hug and she hugged back and was basically screaming in pain of not being able to see me.

Then he hugged his dad and he did the same thing.

Then he hugged, Bill, Charlie, Percy and Ron, but when it was time to hug Ginny she jumped into his arms.

He spun her around and put her back down and then he stood in front of Goerge.

He hugged him with all his might and then stood in front of them all.

He pushed all his energy to his voice.

"I love you guys." He said but It barely came out as a whisper but they heard it.

"We love you too"  They all said but Goerge.

"I'm the more handsome Twin" He says.

They all laugh.

(AWWWWWWWWWWW  it actually worked 600 words)

Dear Goerge, Love fred.Where stories live. Discover now