[𝟒]. confront stormterror

Start from the beginning

Such evil of the ground below didn't matter. Not with the wind, that is.

"Is this... the power of the Anemo Archon?" Dvalin mumbled, continuing to soar through the air, "But I am no longer part of the Four Winds."

"Even if that's so, you still protected us regardless of your role," you spoke, holding your palm out to the sky as you grasped Celestia's image in your hand, wrapping your fingers around the air of your imagination.

"I see. I have underestimated you, descendant of Liyue," Dvalin responded, supporting the group on his scaled back as an anemo orb formed in the palm of Venti's hand.

"Now, spread your wings of freedom...

And go with my blessing."

"May the wind lead," Venti hummed, watching the now cyan dragon fly off into the clouds, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"We should go meet the traveler back at Mondstadt," [Y/N] stood up, standing underneath the tree at Windrise, crystalflies delicately fluttering around the landmark as the Statue of Seven stood proudly.

Blinking for a moment, Venti only sighed dramatically, falling back onto the grass with a soft thump.

"We did so much running around! Do we have to...?"

"Yes, Venti... we have to."

"Please? Five more minutes?"

I'm not even dragging you out of bed... the girl thought with a deadpan, her eyes widening once the bard pulled her down with him, his fingers wrapped daintily around her wrist, her back hitting the grass as his free arm cushioned her fall.

"The sky is beautiful, today. Perhaps we should enjoy it. Even if it's just for a bygone moment."

"And so, the Stormterror threat was quelled. I clarified the misunderstanding to the citizens of Mondstadt, and let them know that they are safe."

Jean informed the traveler, crossing her arms as a content smile appeared on her face.

"To them, it seems that Stormterror attacked Mondstadt out of nowhere, then just vanished. They must be finding the whole ordeal very confusing."

Staring out the window with her grey-blue eyes, the windmills churned the air endlessly, a representation of the wind that flowed through Mondstadt since the dawn of the archons.

"However, the winds change their course.

Someday, they will blow towards a brighter future."

"Mondstadt sure is beautiful when it's not terrorized by tornadoes, isn't it?" You chuckled, entering the city as Venti skipped beside you.

"I suppose! But whatever goes on inside of Mondstadt is for Mondstadt's people to deal with!"

Such a tremendous duty he holds. You sweatdropped, side-eyeing the bard who was dragging you to Angel's Share.

"Wait weren't we supposed to meet the travele—"

"Relax..! The world doesn't wait for anyone, [Y/N]!"

"The world does not involve wine, Venti..."

Entering the tavern, the smell of alcohol stunned your nose, crinkling it in response, you could only furrow your eyebrows at the strong scent.

"Eugh... I was a part of a rather cool brigade... but unfortunately, Unlucky Bennett was in it. Somehow, we managed to fail all of the commissions given to us in the weirdest of ways," an adventurer dawdled on, clearly intoxicated.

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